Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 26

Despite the continuous flow of cases of Grooming Gangs, other examples were in Rochdale, Oxford and Huddersfield, the public is constantly being reminded that it is not just Asian men who commit “on-street” child sexual exploitation. Obviously the Muslim community are not solely responsible, nevertheless, given the severity of these offences and long term impact… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 26

Campaign Against Halal Part 44

In the UK, 58 percent of Halal meat comes from animals which have been stunned before slaughter and certified Halal. All animals slaughtered under the Shechita (for Kosher) are non-stunned. When an animal is killed without being stunned, it will only become unconscious and insensitive to pain after prolonged blood loss, resulting in a terrifying… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 44

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 25

In 2011 Jack Straw, the former home secretary, suggested there was a cultural element to the then new phenomenon of “grooming gangs” and suggesting some men of Pakistani origin see white girls as “easy meat”. The former Blackburn Labour MP spoke out after two Asian men who abused girls in Derby were given indeterminate jail… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 25

Political Islam Part 75

According to some Muslim authors, extremism within Islam goes back to the 7th century to the Kharijites. From their essentially political position, they developed extreme doctrines that set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shiʿa Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach to Takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to… Continue reading Political Islam Part 75

Campaign Against Halal Part 43

With the UK’s high animal welfare standards, it can be easy to presume that all animals slaughtered for meat are killed humanely and with care. Sadly, not every animal’s death is painless. It’s all too true that the practice of slaughter without pre-stunning can cause suffering to millions of farm animals.Current UK law requires animals… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 43

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 24

South Yorkshire police has accepted the findings of the Grooming Gangs report and said it has been developing a “far deeper understanding” of child sexual exploitation since 2014. It will now await the full and final report, which will focus on the actions of its former senior command team and whether it deliberately turned a… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 24

The Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 11

The UK grooming-gang scandal has refused to go away. Between the mid-1990s and the late-2000s, gangs of predominantly British Pakistani Muslim men raped and prostituted thousands of predominantly young, white, working-class girls in towns and cities across England. But despite the repeated efforts of a brave few to alert the relevant authorities, too many in… Continue reading The Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 11

Muslim Invasion of the UK Part 62

A Protestor at Dover, responding to whether he is “far-right” or a supporter of the National Front, Brian said: “That’s not the case at all. I’m simply a patriot — I know it’s an anomaly, people might think ‘what’s a black guy doing [here]’ — but actually it has nothing to do with being black… Continue reading Muslim Invasion of the UK Part 62

The Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 10

Forty-two people, including three women, have been charged with historic child sex offences over a 20-year period. They are alleged to have been part of a widespread grooming gang that targeted children between 1995 and 2015. They are accused of prostitution, rape, indecent assault and false imprisonment, with the alleged offences involving six female victims… Continue reading The Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 10