You shall eat from that upon which God’s name has been pronounced, if you believe in His revelations. 6:118. The instruction in 6:118 to utter God’s name is not related to slaughtering. In addition, the instruction applies to eating any food and not just the meat of animals.
Tag: Political Islam
Halal Meat Part 12
According to the ‘halal meat’ concept, an animal’s meat is halal only if it is slaughtered according to the Islamic way by a Muslim butcher who utters the basmalah before slaughtering the animal. Needless to say, none of these requirements are mentioned in the Quran, nor is there a rule in the Quran that states… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 12
Halal Meat Part 11
The term ‘halal meat’, as used these days, is one that has no Quranic support, but is more a term exploited for commercial profit. The labelling of certain meat as ‘halal’ implies that all other meat is not halal. However, when we analyse the Quranic verses below we find that the sellers of such ‘halal… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 11
Jan 2020. The Killing of Qassem Soleimar Part 4
January 2020. Iran’s most powerful military commander, Gen Qasem Soleimani, has been killed by a US air strike in Iraq. The 62-year-old spearheaded Iranian military operations in the Middle East as head of Iran’s elite Quds Force. He was killed at Baghdad airport, along with other Iran-backed militia figures, early on Friday in a strike… Continue reading Jan 2020. The Killing of Qassem Soleimar Part 4
Halal Meat Part 10
The prohibited foods and meat are detailed in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115. From these verses we have a clear account of what is halal (lawful) and what is haram (prohibited). He only prohibited for you carrion, blood, the flesh of the pig and what was dedicated to other than God, but if one is… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 10
Halal Meat Part 9
Many Muslims speak about what is called ‘halal meat’ (lawful meat) without knowing the Quranic definition for this term! In addition, new converts to Islam in western countries are often bombarded with the instruction: Do not eat except halal meat. The Quran tells us that God is extremely displeased with those who prohibit anything that… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 9
Aug 2015. The Extremist Choudary in UK
August 2015. Anjem Choudary is a British Muslim activist. He was previously a solicitor and served as the chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers. He helped form an Islamist organisation, al-Muhajiroun. The group organised several anti-Western demonstrations before being banned. He praised those responsible for the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks. He supports the implementation… Continue reading Aug 2015. The Extremist Choudary in UK
Dec 2019. Malaysia Meeting of Muslims
December 2019. Last week’s Kuala Lumpur Summit may have been interpreted as an attempt by non-Arab Muslim countries to offer a viable alternative to the Saudi-dominated Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), even though Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad insisted otherwise. Either way, it was not to be. Although the leaders of Iran, Turkey and Qatar… Continue reading Dec 2019. Malaysia Meeting of Muslims
Nov 2019. Terror Attack at Airbase in Florida
November 2019. Federal investigators have determined that the shooting at a Florida air base that killed three people was likely a “terror” attack inspired by radical Islamic ideology. On December 6th, Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, a second lieutenant in the Saudi Air Force, allegedly opened fire inside a classroom at Air Base Pensacola, killing three U.S.… Continue reading Nov 2019. Terror Attack at Airbase in Florida
Halal Meat Part 8
The prohibition from God is against “running blood” and not trapped remains of blood, which is impossible to flush out completely. When we analyse the Quranic Verses, we find that the sellers of ’halal meat’ are in fact deceiving the uninformed Muslims into believing that their meat is the only halal meat for Muslims. The… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 8