Patriotism Part 1

Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one’s own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. What is wrong with the above?… Continue reading Patriotism Part 1

Patriotism Part 1

Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one’s own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. What is wrong with the above?… Continue reading Patriotism Part 1

Pride in Britain

I was taught History at school, I learned about the Mind Blowing Achievments of the British Empire, I learned to be Proud to be British. Nowadays the Progressive Liberals and Lefties together with the Globalists are Chipping Away at Everything that gave the name Great Britain. Even the Scottish Nationals are Jumping In wanting to… Continue reading Pride in Britain