Debunking White Privilege Part 14

Jordan Peterson – I cannot be the only person who feels both angry and deeply offended by the general slur of racism and white privilege cast against my country and my fellow men; angry that this slur is being so casually endorsed without contest or analysis, especially on the broadcast media, and even in the formerly… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 14

Debunking White Privilege Part 13

"I think it would be wise to establish a legal-defense fund for my kids while they're still young."

“White privilege” is a term often invoked as a causal explanation for the success of whites relative to other groups. But the problem with white privilege isn’t its assumptions about racial discrimination, but its causal disposition. White privilege suffers from a bad case of mono-causality, or “one-thingism” as Jonah Goldberg puts it. [user-submitted-posts]

Debunking White Privilege Part 12

David Goodhart and his eminently fair thesis on ‘Facts vs feelings’, John McWhorter’s counter-analysis of anti-racism, ‘our new flawed religion’, other black conservative opinion the mainstream media here ignore and Heather Mac Donald’s debunking of the US police discrimination myth might not exist for the all the interest the MSM has shown in these counter-factuals to the dominating perceived… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 12

Debunking White Privilege Part 11

Jordan Peterson – The enthusiasm with which politicians, celebrities and corporations are competing to declare such worrying and woke admission (‘guilty as charged but we have seen the light’) to prove their BLM revolutionary credentials – the Church of England, the Bank of England, Waitrose, Airbnb, the list goes on – is matched only by a slavish… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 11

Debunking White Privilege Part 10

Tomb of the Unknown Oppressed White Male

Jordan Peterson – ‘I can’t be the only person who refuses to accept that in order to prove I am not a racist (whether because I happen to be white, or by virtue of being a white member of society that is said to to be systemically racist or ‘riddled with implicit bias’ as the racing… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 10

Debunking White Privilege Part 9

I cannot be the only person who feels both angry and deeply offended by the general slur of Racism and White Privilege cast against my country and my fellow men; Angry that this slur is being so casually endorsed without contest or analysis, especially on the broadcast media, and even in the formerly responsible Sunday Times,… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 9

Debunking White Privilege Part 8

Long ago, when I was at primary school, one of my favourite books for “Quiet Reading Time” was a Ladybird book of British Heroes. They’re probably all considered villains now. In 5 years time all their statues will have been removed too. Unless we fight to keep our Heroes.

Debunking White Privilege Part 7

Lefties, Libs & Tories: It’s not virtuous to support immigration that pushes the native population into minority status. It’s not considerate to shut down free-speech for millions so nobody is ever offended. It’s not progressive to support Globalists against free nation states.