Halal Meat Part 4

With Halal there is No Mention in the #Koran of Barbaric Slaughter. The Prohibited Foods and Meat are detailed in‭ ‬2:173,‭ ‬5:3,‭ ‬6:145‭ ‬and‭ ‬16:115.‭ ‬From these verses we have a clear account of what is halal‭ (‬lawful‭) ‬and what is #haram‭ (‬prohibited‭)‬. It has to be remembered this is with regards the Act of… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 4

Halal Meat Part 3

There is So Much of #Halal Meat now in the #FoodChain and I’m Eating It, so I have Every Right to Argue Against It. #PoliticalIslam has made Halal regarding Slaughter, which is Untrue. I therefore have no Problems with the upholding of any Prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the #Quran is tantamount to #Idolatry‭ (‬6:148-150‭)‬.‭… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 3

Halal Meat Part 1

It is Not #Islamophobic to argue against #HalalMeat. Many #Muslims speak about what is called‭ ‘H‬alal Meat‭’ (‬lawful meat‭) ‬without knowing the #Quranic Definition for this term‭! ‬In addition,‭ ‬new converts to #Islam in western countries are often Bombarded with the instruction:‭ ‬Do not eat except halal meat.‭

Nov 2019. Tommy Robinson

November 2019. Tommy Robinson talking about Political Islam and the Dangers that it Blatantly is to our Culture and Society. The Politicians have clearly let the People Down. I can’t edit Mr Robinson’s words, they’re all So Correct, he describes it the way it is – “Our Security Services allow in more than three and… Continue reading Nov 2019. Tommy Robinson

011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 5

Sandra Soloman is asked, “This might be a good time to mention,‭ ‬by the way,‭ ‬that one of the things that’s widely misunderstood is that it allows Slaughter.‭ ‬I believe,‭ ‬correct me if I’m wrong,‭ ‬that the person who does the slaughtering cut the throat of the animal,‭ ‬usually when it’s suspended from the rear… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 5

011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 4

“And therefore,‭ ‬I am asking everyone to take this down and boycott Halal Food, aside of that,‭ ‬I’m calling on Human Rights and the animal rights organizations to look into this matter.‭ ‬Because as a ex-Muslim,‭ ‬when I used to see the animals,‭ ‬how they slaughtered them and kill them broadly with No Mercy and… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 4

011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 3

“It says today it’s Halal for you to eat from the People of the Book they eat, who is the people of the book? The Jews and the Christians! So if any Muslim walking by, or driving around, and there’s no Halal Restaurants there, he can go in, any place, any where, and he can… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 3

011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 2

“Even Muhammad he eat from their food after a battle, and the verse that comes after that, after what they’d been Forbidden on them, it says, today the food from the People from the Book, it’s Halal for the Muslims to eat and the food that the muslim also eat is Halal for us to… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 2

011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 1

Sandra Solomon previously has stated about her life, “I was born into a Palestinian family in the West Bank of Ramallah and later my family and I relocated to Jordan and thereafter Saudi Arabia at age 9 where I began my education. I did enjoy reading the Quran, yet not fully understanding the meaning of… Continue reading 011. Sandra Soloman on Halal Food Part 1