Insisting that radical Islamists have “nothing to do with Islam” has led US policy makers to commit numerous strategic errors since 9/11. One is to distinguish between a “tiny” group of extremists and an “overwhelming” majority of “moderate” Muslims. I prefer to differentiate among Medina Muslims, who embrace the militant political ideology adopted by Muhammad… Continue reading Political Islam Part 8
Tag: Muslim
Political Islam Part 7
There is no point in denying that political Islam as an ideology has its foundation in Islamic doctrine. However, “Islam,” “Islamism,” and “Muslims” are distinct concepts. Not all Muslims are Islamists, let alone violent, but all Islamists—including those who use violence—are Muslims. I believe the religion of Islam itself is indeed capable of reformation, if… Continue reading Political Islam Part 7
Political Islam Part 6
In what follows, however, I shall refer to “political Islam” rather than radical Islam. Political Islam is not just a religion as most Western citizens recognize the term “religion,” a faith; it is also a political ideology, a legal order, and in many ways also a military doctrine associated with the campaigns of the Prophet… Continue reading Political Islam Part 6
Political Islam Part 5
It is refreshing and heartening that President Trump acknowledges the need for an ideological campaign against “radical Islam.” This deserves to be called a paradigm shift. President Bush often referred to a “war on terror,” but terror is a tactic that can be used for a variety of ideological objectives. President Obama stated that he… Continue reading Political Islam Part 5
Political Islam Part 4
If we understand the problem is the Islamic doctrine, then we can make proper plans for solutions, like changing migration laws, citizenry laws, instituting zero tolerance for Sharia, etc. In the meantime, churches and everyday people need to push back. We can’t wait for the government Elite. Society can use social pressure like a weapon.… Continue reading Political Islam Part 4
Political Islam Part 3
Ultimately, the danger of migration is not that there will be too many unemployed workers draining welfare dollars from the state, but it’s that Sharia supremacists will keep Islamicizing the EU. These guest workers aren’t going home. They have a religious duty to stay and fulfill the doctrine. Their loyalty is to Allah and Mohammed,… Continue reading Political Islam Part 3
Political Islam Part 2
To understand Islamic migration today, it is imperative to understand the concept of hijra. The hijra dates to the time of Mohammed when he left Mecca and moved to Medina where he became a warlord and politician. Mohammed’s migration, or hijra, is so important to the success of Islam that it is the basis for… Continue reading Political Islam Part 2
Political Islam Part 1
Europe’s Elite want their citizens to believe open borders and migration from Islamic countries will solve their need for a future workforce due to a shrinking population. I call their bluff. If they need workers, why not get them from the poorer parts of the EU–Romania, Bulgaria, Greece? This isn’t about guest workers. This is… Continue reading Political Islam Part 1
Halal and Haram Meat in Canada Part 2
The Islamic Scholar in Canada states, “ He [the Prophet Muhammad] used to say, make it easy upon people, don’t make it difficult, give that glad tiding, do not repel them away from the deed. So if, for example, a student just came to study here and I know the brother doesn’t have the means,… Continue reading Halal and Haram Meat in Canada Part 2
Halal is absolutely Disgusting
This is a clip of a woman in Britain strongly voicing her Disgust at Halal. Every word she states I have to Agree with. “I’m not allowed to say what I’m about to say, and that is that I find halal slaughter absolutely disgusting. I find it completely and utterly repugnant and abhorrent… a 16… Continue reading Halal is absolutely Disgusting