Political Islam Part 33

There is no consensus about what was the primary reason for the decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire, but remarkably there is a near global consensus that the Islamic World has been in decline for centuries. Some intellectuals have argued that the reason why Muslims have lost their mojo is because they have abandoned… Continue reading Political Islam Part 33

Political Islam Part 32

Many Muslim intellectuals and scholars, since the beginning of the colonial era and the beginning of the enduring domination of the West over Muslim countries, have been lamenting the loss of Muslim Empire, Muslim power and Muslim glory. The key moment when the decline of Muslim power was crystallized in the Muslim psyche was when… Continue reading Political Islam Part 32

Sharia Court in Dewsbury

Sharia councils in Britain are putting Muslim women “at risk” by pressuring them to stay in abusive marriages. In a small terraced house in east London, a woman and her husband argue before an Islamic scholar who sits on a dais above them in a room that looks and feels like a court. This is… Continue reading Sharia Court in Dewsbury

Political Islam Part 31

Since 2018, the Macron administration has designated French 47 districts — including Bourtzwiller and its 15,000 people — as quartiers de reconquête républicaine (areas of republican reconquest) in a drive to retake control of previously lawless zones by sending in extra police and improving schools. Moderate Muslims have backed Mr Macron’s approach. “There really is… Continue reading Political Islam Part 31

Campaign Against Halal Part 3

A small town country mum and wife of an electrician is slowly but surely, and single-handedly, dismantling the evil of Islamic Halal Certification. Governments have refused to act to stop an extortion racket that has permeated our food chains and increased our shopping costs. It started with the hideously cruel halal slaughter of our livestock… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 3

Political Islam Part 30

Controlling immigration, curbing Islamists and tackling crime are the key policies of Marine Le Pen and her so called far-right Rassemblement National party, which won the most votes in France in the European elections in May and is considered the main political threat to Mr Macron. “Communalism and Islamic fundamentalism are on the rise in… Continue reading Political Islam Part 30

Campaign Against Halal Part 1

Halal and Kosher Meat must be Completely Banned in the UK. That includes the Sale and Slaughter. It Condones Cruelty to animals and is not acceptable to the British Public. It is Offensive to every Christian living in the UK and it is Morally Wrong in our Civilization. All Life is Sacred and Fights to… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 1

Aug 2020. Uighur Chinese

August 2020. As a model for the massive Chinese online retailer Taobao, the 31-year-old was well paid to flaunt his good looks in slick promotional videos for clothing brands. But one video of Mr Ghappar is different. Instead of a glitzy studio or fashionable city street, the backdrop is a bare room with grubby walls… Continue reading Aug 2020. Uighur Chinese

Political Islam Part 28

The Mulhouse visit is not the first time Mr Macron, an economic and social liberal who was swept to power in 2017 as a new politician of “neither left nor right”, has hardened his stance on social matters to court the conservative vote. In September, he outlined tougher immigration policies and said it was time… Continue reading Political Islam Part 28

Political Islam Part 27

Islamists also have a strong presence on social media. In what has become known as the “Mila Affair”, a teenage schoolgirl who casually criticised Muslim men and their religion in an Instagram exchange quickly became the target of death threats and insults. Abdallah Zekri of the French Council of the Muslim Faith prompted outrage when… Continue reading Political Islam Part 27