Sep 2020. Saudi overturns Death Sentence on Jamal Khashoggi killing

A Saudi court has overturned five death sentences over dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s killing, a final ruling in the case that saw the Washington Post columnist killed and dismembered by a Saudi hit squad. The court on Monday handed 20-year sentences to five people and three others were sentenced to between seven to 10 years, state media reported. The… Continue reading Sep 2020. Saudi overturns Death Sentence on Jamal Khashoggi killing

Jul 2020. Three Acquitted of the Murder of PC Harper

July 2020. Three teenagers have been convicted of killing Pc Andrew Harper as they evaded arrest. All three were standing trial for murder, but the jury found them guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter. Driver Henry Long, 19, who dragged Pc Andrew Harper to his death, was found not guilty at the Old Bailey of murder,… Continue reading Jul 2020. Three Acquitted of the Murder of PC Harper

May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death

May 2020. The US has been convulsed by nationwide protests over the death of an African-American man in police custody. George Floyd, 46, died after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage of the arrest on 25 May shows a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck while… Continue reading May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death

Mar 2020. The Andrew Harper Killing

March 2020. A police officer was killed in “truly shocking circumstances” when he was dragged for more than a mile along a road by three people trying to steal a quad bike, a court has heard. Andrew Harper, 28, a police constable with Thames Valley Police, died on 15 August last year of “catastrophic, unsurvivable… Continue reading Mar 2020. The Andrew Harper Killing