Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossings Crisis Part 4

Regarding the Migrant deaths in the Channel, the cause of the ‘accident’ remains unknown, but when the long inflatable boat the migrants were using was found by rescuers it was mostly deflated. Mr Darmanin described the boat as a dinghy that was “extremely fragile”. He said “it was like a pool you blow up in… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossings Crisis Part 4

Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossing Crisis Part 2

At least 27 people have died trying to cross the English Channel in a small boat. A fishing boat sounded the alarm on Wednesday afternoon after spotting several people in the sea off the northern coast of France. Those who drowned were 17 men, seven women – one of whom was pregnant – and three… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossing Crisis Part 2

Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossings Crisis Part 1

Despite Wednesday’s tragedy, people have continued to attempt the dangerous 20 mile (32km) journey across the Channel. On Thursday two more boats arrived in Dover, carrying about 40 people. This is all happening a week after a large migrant camp near Dunkirk in northern France was dismantled and up to 1,500 migrants were evacuated from… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Migrant Crossings Crisis Part 1

Nov 2021. The Migrant Deaths

The price to cross the English Channel varies according to the network of smugglers, between 3,000 and 7,000 euros. Often, the fee also includes a very short-term tent rental in the windy dunes of northern France and food cooked over fires that sputter in the rain that falls for more than half the month of… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Migrant Deaths

Nov 2021. The Migrant Crisis

The degree of despair that would drive you to clamber into an unseaworthy rubber dinghy in northern France on a cold November evening to set off for the English coast is barely imaginable. Particularly when you think about mothers having to persuade their children that this journey was not dangerous and that they would soon arrive safe and sound.