Dec 2021. Should the Death Penalty be reintroduced for Child Killers

In some countries it is legal to kill someone if they have committed a terrible crime. This is called a death sentence, or the death penalty. It is not legal in Britain. There are lots of reasons why people think it’s right or wrong. The Killing of a Child has to lean the argument toards… Continue reading Dec 2021. Should the Death Penalty be reintroduced for Child Killers

The Tiger who came to Tea

This video is about the Woke Culture cancelling Enid Blyton, a brilliant author of children’s books, she’s nowadays considered Homophobic and Sexist to mention just two. I read them when I was a kid and there’s not a thing wrong in them. The Judith Kerr book ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ gets the Cancel… Continue reading The Tiger who came to Tea