Halal is absolutely Disgusting

This is a clip of a woman in Britain strongly voicing her Disgust at Halal. Every word she states I have to Agree with. “I’m not allowed to say what I’m about to say,‭ ‬and that is that I find halal slaughter absolutely disgusting.‭ ‬I find it completely and utterly repugnant and abhorrent…‭ ‬a‭ ‬16‭… Continue reading Halal is absolutely Disgusting

Halal and Haram Meat in Canada Part 1

An Islamic Scholar in Canada states, “If you are an average Joe,‭ ‬meaning you’re a Muslim,‭ you’re name is ‬Mohammed, that’s all you know about Islam.‭ You‬ only do the Obligatory Acts of Worship,‭ you‬ don’t do anything else than that.‭ ‬We have a Verse from the Koran and sort of that mandate,‭ ‬which is… Continue reading Halal and Haram Meat in Canada Part 1

Halal in Denmark Part 4

What is so hard about simply identifying where the animal has come from and how the animal was slaughtered? What is so difficult about that? I’ll tell you why, because if all meat is properly labelled, the Halal Meat wouldn’t be as Profitable. It’s all to do with Money, very little if anything to do… Continue reading Halal in Denmark Part 4

Halal in Denmark Part 3

This is a third clip from Al Jazeera‘s ‘The Stream‘ and it beggers belief that the individuals involved are making the arguments for Halal Slaughter, it‘s Patently Criminal. “If you ask the people in Denmark not related to the Jewish community,‭ ‬not related to the Muslim community,‭ ‬they’d be For this Prohibition.‭ ‬But I think… Continue reading Halal in Denmark Part 3

Halal in Denmark Part 1

Why there is relaxed conversation on the Barbaric Slaughter of Animals, I find hard to accept. I started my web site to Challenge Right from Wrong, at the time I thought that Patently Easy, oh how Wrong I was. “Well,‭ ‬you specify the person that does the slaughter should be Sane, the person should be… Continue reading Halal in Denmark Part 1

Halal Meat Part 17

By reading 6:118, we note that the command of uttering God’s name is related to what we eat in general and not just meat. Thus this equally applies to fruit, vegetables, biscuits, peanuts … etc … plus all types of drinks. Consequently, and since we cannot slaughter an apple nor a glass of orange juice,… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 17

Halal Meat Part 16

The spiritual reason behind uttering God’s name on our food before eating it is given in 16:114. This is to constantly remember and be appreciative of God’s blessings on us: So eat from what God has provided for you, it is lawful and good and give thanks for God’s blessings, if you do worship Him.… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 16

Halal Meat Part 15

Unless you are a butcher, you are not the person who has slaughtered the animal on your dinner table, and since the Quran is clear in holding people accountable only to their own work, then the only certain way to confirm that the name of God has been uttered on the meat is for each… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 15

Halal Meat Part 14

Sadly, Muslims scholars have substituted God’s condition for making food lawful (uttering God’s name before eating food) by a new un-Quranic condition of their own making. In the process, they made slaughtering the only lawful method of killing an animal for its meat. There is no such restriction in the Quran. As a result of… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 14