Tag: Indoctrination
Education or Indoctrination Part 22
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – In 1936, membership in Nazi youth groups became mandatory for all boys and girls between the ages of ten and seventeen. After-school meetings and weekend camping trips sponsored by the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls trained children to become faithful to the Nazi Party… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 22
Education or Indoctrination Part 21
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – Founded in 1926, the original purpose of the Hitler Youth was to train boys to enter the SA (Storm Troopers), a Nazi Party paramilitary formation. After 1933, however, youth leaders sought to integrate boys into the Nazi national community and to prepare them for service as soldiers… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 21
Education or Indoctrination Part 20
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – The Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls were the primary tools that the Nazis used to shape the beliefs, thinking and actions of German youth. Youth leaders used tightly controlled group activities and staged propaganda events such as mass rallies full of ritual and spectacle… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 20
Education or Indoctrination Part 19
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – In the classroom and in the Hitler Youth, instruction aimed to produce race-conscious, obedient, self-sacrificing Germans who would be willing to die for Führer and Fatherland. Devotion to Adolf Hitler was a key component of Hitler Youth training. German young people celebrated his birthday (April 20)—a national… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 19
Education or Indoctrination Part 18
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – Board games and toys for children served as another way to spread racial and political propaganda to German youth. Toys were also used as propaganda vehicles to indoctrinate children into militarism.
Education or Indoctrination Part 17
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – From their first days in school, German children were imbued with the cult of Adolf Hitler. His portrait was a standard fixture in classrooms. Textbooks frequently described the thrill of a child seeing the German leader for the first time.
Education or Indoctrination Part 16
The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – Schools played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas to German youth. While censors removed some books from the classroom, German educators introduced new textbooks that taught students love for Hitler, obedience to state authority, militarism, racism, and antisemitism.
Feb 2022. Vegan School Dinners
Education or Indoctrination Part 15
Exposure happens when students encounter competing ideas about the world and have a chance to discuss them together. Exposure works against indoctrination, by opening up new concepts and experiences for consideration. It also builds students’ civic capacities and their participation in what University of Virginia education professor E.D. Hirsch calls a democratic “speech community” —… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 15