017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 7

Peter Robinson points out to Douglas Murray, “It’s almost as though there’s no Cultural Immune System.‭ T‬hat what would have been Scoffed At,‭ L‬aughed At single digit number of decades ago,‭ ‬which certainly would not have been Championed by the BBC.‭ ‬Now someone makes a Claim.‭ ‬Douglas Mary would say that,‭ ‬but that’s not so,… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 7

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 6

Peter Robinson quotes Douglas Murray with regards his book, “We are going through a Great Derangement.‭ ‬People are behaving in ways that are increasingly Irrational,‭ F‬everish,‭ H‬erd Like and simply Unpleasant.‭ ‬And you examine the identity politics of Gays,‭ W‬omen,‭ R‬acial Minorities and Trans.‭ ‬And the ways in which they’re all mad!…‭ ‬The single factor… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 6

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 5

Mr Robinson asks Douglas Murray, “In all the years since the Second World War,‭ ‬the Germans have made this Concerted Effort to build a Good Society.‭ ‬Has made Economic Recovery of all kinds.‭ ‬And instead of feeling a sense of Pride and Accomplishment,‭ ‬it’s just Exhaustion.‭ W‬hy‭?” Douglas Murray – “T‬he why is this.‭ ‬Almost… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 5

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 4

Peter Robinson asks the question, “Again,‭ ‬I’m quoting you,‭ ‬Douglas.‭ ‬At the same time that we’ve had this Influx,‭ ‬at the same time,‭ ‬Europe has Lost Faith in its Beliefs,‭ T‬raditions and Legitimacy.‭ ‬Europe is now deeply weighed down with Guilt for the Past.‭ ‬And there is also the problem of an Existential Tiredness, and… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 4

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 3

Douglas Murray – “In many ways,‭ ‬look at the reception at Munich station as‭ ‬10,000‭ ‬people are arriving every‭ ‬48‭ ‬hours or so at the height of the movement in‭ ‬2015.‭ ‬They were coming up through the Balkans and up through Central Europe,‭ a‬nd there were crowds at Munich train station,‭ H‬igh Five-ing the Arrivals,… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 3

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 2

“I’ve debated and discussed these issues for years now,‭ ‬and I know every one of the moves that people do,‭ ‬the number of dishonest moves,‭ ‬things like that’s not the case,‭ ‬Okay,‭ t‬hat is the case.‭ ‬That is the case,‭ b‬ut you shouldn’t say it or, that is the case and it’s Great!‭ ‬Suck it… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 2

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 1

Peter Robinson quotes Douglas Murray writing in his book, “Europe today has little desire to Reproduce Itself,‭ F‬ight for Itself or even take its Own Side in an Argument, by the end of the Lifespans of most people currently alive in Europe,‭ ‬Europe will not be Europe,‭ ‬and the peoples of Europe will have Lost… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 1

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17

Douglas Murray is asked about the Attitude of the People of the UK, “I mean one of the things of recent months, both Brexit, has been noticing the way in which people on the continent are very Distrusting of the People actually…I do still have a Faith in people’s Decency and Honesty, and I don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16

Douglas Murray is asked if Violence can be Avoided in the Saving of UK Culture, “The People Matter.‭ Whither‬ an Italian Left Wing Feminist or a Gay Politician.‭ ‬People Matter! And in a way one of the worst things about the kind of Class Struggle Socioeconomic view of history is, it tells people You Don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 16

010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15

Douglas Murray talks on the Islamization of Europe and the Chances of Rescuing Christianity or at least its Beliefs, “Well it’s certainly beyond any one politician or any one Generation of Politicians, and I’ve come to the view that I think you’re right, I mean I was probably more Optimistic‭ Ten Y‬ears Ago, then events… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15