022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 4

I do not hide my feelings. I feel that Political Islam is a Major Threat to the Culture in the UK, Multi-Culturalism does not work. People like the Socialists and Liberals argue that it’s okay as long as there is Integration, but the People believing in Islam Shun from Integration, it Contradicts the Koran. Hamish… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 4

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 3

Hamish Macdonald – “Massive fractures are appearing in Denmark’s once cohesive society. A far-right political party demanding the deportation of all Muslims and the preservation of the country for its “ethnic community” will be on the ballot paper in Denmark for the first time, in a general election due to be called within days.” The… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 3

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 3

Hamish Macdonald – “Massive fractures are appearing in Denmark’s once cohesive society. A far-right political party demanding the deportation of all Muslims and the preservation of the country for its “ethnic community” will be on the ballot paper in Denmark for the first time, in a general election due to be called within days.” The… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 3

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 2

Hamish Macdonald – “Things are pretty free and easy in the capital,‭ ‬Copenhagen.‭ ‬It’s mid summer and just about the whole country is on holiday in places like Denmark led the way in the first country in the world to legalize porn.‭ ‬This place is every bit the Scandinavian stereo.‭ ‬Denmark is probably about as… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 2

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 1

Hamish Macdonald is an Australian broadcast journalist and news presenter. Macdonald is currently host of Network 10 news-current affairs and talk show The Sunday Project. He has previously worked at networks including Channel 4, ITV and Al Jazeera. He visits Denmark and gives his Pro-Immigration Slant on what’s happening in the country – “When a… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 1

Nov 2019. Tommy Robinson

November 2019. Tommy Robinson talking about Political Islam and the Dangers that it Blatantly is to our Culture and Society. The Politicians have clearly let the People Down. I can’t edit Mr Robinson’s words, they’re all So Correct, he describes it the way it is – “Our Security Services allow in more than three and… Continue reading Nov 2019. Tommy Robinson

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 11

Peter Robinson quotes the text from Douglas Murray’s books – “Promised throughout their Lifetimes that the Changes were Temporary,‭ ‬the Changes were Not Real,‭ ‬or that the Changes did Not Signify Anything.‭ ‬Europeans discovered that in the Lifespan of People Now Alive,‭ ‬they would become Minorities in their own countries,‭ ‬close quote. So the question… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 11

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 10

Peter Robinson quoting text from Douglas Murray’s book – From the Treaty of Westphalia‭ in 16‬48‭ ‬up to the late‭ ‬20th century,‭ ‬the Nation State had generally been regarded not only as the Best Guarantor of the Constitutional Order and Liberal Rights,‭ ‬but the Ultimate Guarantor of Peace.‭ ‬Yet this certainty has also Ended.‭ ‬Central… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 10

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 9

Peter Robinson – “What do Muslims make of this when they watch all this‭? ‬Their populations growing in Africa or the Middle East? I mean,‭ ‬what comes across to us every so often in videos and so forth,‭ ‬there will be some Imam denouncing the West as Decadent.‭ ‬But if decadence,‭ ‬if Cultural Decadence means… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 9

017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8

Peter Robinson asks, “Young people go to university for four years.‭ ‬And yes,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬the universities are Dominated by the Liberals,‭ ‬but the kids are Smart Enough to figure that out.‭ ‬And the Moment they leave university,‭ ‬they get Jobs,‭ ‬they start paying Taxes,‭ ‬they go through it.‭ ‬People have gone through the Struggles… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8