Sep 2020. Italy and Malta Refuse Migrants Entry

Some 180 sea migrants are “in limbo” in the Mediterranean because Italy and Malta are refusing to take them in, sea rescue charity SOS Mediterranee said Thursday. Frederic Penard, operations director of SOS Mediterranee, said the charity had sent five requests to Italy and Malta, each time without success. Rescue organizations have restarted missions in… Continue reading Sep 2020. Italy and Malta Refuse Migrants Entry

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

It has been 50 years since British shadow defence secretary Enoch Powell gave his “rivers of blood” speech on April 20, 1968. To mark the half-centenary, the BBC broadcast his speech for the first time in full, on the radio. The decision caused outrage from those who would rather the speech, and its popularity at… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

The UKIP Wales Leader Neil Hamilton has said, “…although Powell was sacked while the Tories were in opposition, when Mr Heath later became prime minister he introduced a scheme for “voluntary repatriation of immigrants” in 1971. “The idea that Enoch Powell was some kind of uniquely racist villain is absolute nonsense,” Mr Hamilton told the… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 1

The idea Enoch Powell was a “racist villain” is “absolute nonsense”, UKIP Wales leader Neil Hamilton has said. The AM was defending Powell’s anti-immigration “rivers of blood” speech of 50 years ago. He told BBC Radio Wales the former Tory MP had been “proved right by events” in terms of social change if not violence.… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 1

Jul 2020. Man Arrested over Nante Cathedral Fire

July 2020. A volunteer assistant suspected of setting a French cathedral on fire has been rearrested, then indicted and detained in pre-trial custody by prosecutors. The man, already held and released by police last week, was indicted on Saturday night “on charges of destruction and damage by fire” of the gothic cathedral of Nantes, the… Continue reading Jul 2020. Man Arrested over Nante Cathedral Fire

Jul 2020. Shamima Begum wins Right to return to UK

July 2020. Shamima Begum has won the right to return to the UK to challenge the Home Office’s decision to revoke her British citizenship in person. Begum, who left East London in 2015 to join the Islamic State (Isis) in Syria, won an appeal against a ruling by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) earlier this… Continue reading Jul 2020. Shamima Begum wins Right to return to UK

Aug 2015. EU Stupidity with Fence

August 2015. The Stupidity of the EU can sometimes be breathtaking. Hungary spends millions of US Dollars building a Fence along its border with Serbia. But EU States can’t have fences between their borders and so when the fence comes to Rumania, it stops. You can walk along the fence on the Serbia side till… Continue reading Aug 2015. EU Stupidity with Fence

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 7

Hamish Macdonald interviews some Immigrant Kids in Denmark, Macdonald says – “ This is Vollsmose.‭ ‬Officially,‭ ‬it’s a Ghetto,‭ ‬one of Twenty Nine across the country with High Migrant Populations,‭ L‬ow Incomes and High Crime Rates.‭ ‬If you commit a Crime here,‭ ‬you get Double the Punishment and soon a Thousand Families will be Evicted… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 7

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 6

Hamish Macdonald continues his efforts to Criticize Denmark’s Hardline on Immigrants and Immigration – “So what has turned Denmark against people‭? ‬It wasn’t just‭ ‬9/11‭ ‬when a Danish Newspaper published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in‭ ‬2005,‭ ‬causing Riots to flare around the Globe.‭ ‬Two hundred people were Killed and the Violence shocked many. It… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 6

022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 5

Hamish Macdonald explains the History of Denmark – “To see how they got to this point,‭ ‬it might be worth going back to where it all began.‭ ‬At the doorstep of a little church in the Danish heartland, a giant glass case is a Landmark from the Viking era. The big rock that everybody comes… Continue reading 022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 5