The degree of despair that would drive you to clamber into an unseaworthy rubber dinghy in northern France on a cold November evening to set off for the English coast is barely imaginable. Particularly when you think about mothers having to persuade their children that this journey was not dangerous and that they would soon arrive safe and sound.
Tag: Human Rights
The Covid Vaccine Part 4
A wave of companies and governments are announcing new vaccine policies, requiring people to get inoculated against Covid-19 in order to keep their jobs, go to the office, dine in restaurants, or attend indoor performances. Such policies seem to be effective in persuading at least some unvaccinated people to get their shots. They’re also bound… Continue reading The Covid Vaccine Part 4
Nov 2021. Vaccinate or Lose Job
Ever since the coronavirus crept onto the world stage, we have been suffering from two simultaneous pandemics: One from the virus and another from mis- and disinformation. The power of the latter has now manifested as an inability to get healthcare workers vaccinated. It is a human right to refuse the vaccination, but can you… Continue reading Nov 2021. Vaccinate or Lose Job
The Covid Vaccine Part 3
“COVID-19 is a disease that targets, isolates, and disproportionately affects those already most at risk. A COVID-19 vaccine ‘passport’ that does the same is no solution to combating this unwaning global pandemic,” said Verónica Arroyo, Policy Associate – Latin America at Access Now. “Governments must design and implement systems that put people first, supporting vaccine… Continue reading The Covid Vaccine Part 3
The Covid Vaccine Part 2
As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments from Bahrain to Denmark are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports” — that would record and authenticate a person’s vaccination status. Current proposals, however, threaten human rights by creating… Continue reading The Covid Vaccine Part 2
The Covid Vaccine Part 1
The French strongman managed to bend most of Europe to his will, yet when it came to smallpox he could merely encourage his compatriots to get immunized against the deadly disease as a civic duty. In some ways, not much has changed. Governments and private-sector employers around the world have pressed those fortunate enough to… Continue reading The Covid Vaccine Part 1
Sep 2021. Transgender Rights
The High Court just dealt a blow to the rights of transgender children in the UK (Bell v. Tavistock, 2020). As a consequence, thousands of trans teenagers have been stripped of the autonomy to access a life-saving medical treatment. The NHS trust affected is seeking permission to appeal. I do not get it, they are talking about… Continue reading Sep 2021. Transgender Rights
Jun 2021. Vaxed or Not Vaxed
A lot of work places in the US are now wanting their staff to be Covid Vaccinated before being able to attend the office. Will the UK follow suit? More than likely. But is this not against ones Human Rights? I’ve had my two jabs and I need to test twice a week which is… Continue reading Jun 2021. Vaxed or Not Vaxed
Jun 2021. Ethiopia and Human Rights
There was a time when a report by Ethiopia’s human rights commission was a staid affair, its findings offering window-dressing for hand-wringing donors and legal cover to the government. Between 2013 and 2017 the commission systematically “whitewashed human rights violations through compromised methodologies, dismissing credible allegations”, according to a 2019 Amnesty International study that accused… Continue reading Jun 2021. Ethiopia and Human Rights
Oct 2016. Saudi Bomb a Yemen Funeral
October 2016. The UN has decided an Airstrike on a Funeral in Yemen which Killed 140 People and Injured around 500 was a “Heinous Attack which showed No Regard for Human Life.” Big Words and I Applaud them. Saudi Arabia which is Leading an Anti-Rebel Coalition in the Country has Promised an Investigation, but has… Continue reading Oct 2016. Saudi Bomb a Yemen Funeral