Halal Meat Part 5

The Insistance of #Halal is #PoliticalIslam and an Act of Distancing from others, being Apart. #Allah only Prohibited for you carrion,‭ ‬blood,‭ ‬the flesh of the Pig and what was dedicated to other than God,‭ ‬but if one is forced out of Necessity rather than Desire or Greed,‭ ‬then he incurs no sin.‭ ‬God is… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 5

Halal Meat Part 4

With Halal there is No Mention in the #Koran of Barbaric Slaughter. The Prohibited Foods and Meat are detailed in‭ ‬2:173,‭ ‬5:3,‭ ‬6:145‭ ‬and‭ ‬16:115.‭ ‬From these verses we have a clear account of what is halal‭ (‬lawful‭) ‬and what is #haram‭ (‬prohibited‭)‬. It has to be remembered this is with regards the Act of… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 4

Halal Meat Part 3

There is So Much of #Halal Meat now in the #FoodChain and I’m Eating It, so I have Every Right to Argue Against It. #PoliticalIslam has made Halal regarding Slaughter, which is Untrue. I therefore have no Problems with the upholding of any Prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the #Quran is tantamount to #Idolatry‭ (‬6:148-150‭)‬.‭… Continue reading Halal Meat Part 3

Halal Meat Part 1

It is Not #Islamophobic to argue against #HalalMeat. Many #Muslims speak about what is called‭ ‘H‬alal Meat‭’ (‬lawful meat‭) ‬without knowing the #Quranic Definition for this term‭! ‬In addition,‭ ‬new converts to #Islam in western countries are often Bombarded with the instruction:‭ ‬Do not eat except halal meat.‭