Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 8

Tommy Robinson continues on Facebook – “This level of Censorship should be Terrifying us all, the Control that Silicon Valley now has in controlling how people think, 37 Million people in my country have Facebook, it’s their main source of News, they’re now in Control of that, the ability for people to hear the other… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 8

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 7

Tommy Robinson talking about the BBC Panorama attempt to Destroy Him, but he turned the tables on them by secretly filming their Fraudulant Attempts – “The True Level of Corruption of the Media was shown from this, not from John Sweeney, but from the fact that not one single journalist in my country reported the… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 7

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 6

Tommy Robinson arrives for his sentencing at the Old Bailey in London. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Thursday July 11, 2019. Two senior judges found on Friday that the former English Defence League (EDL) leader was in contempt when he filmed men accused of the sexual exploitation of young girls and live-streamed the footage, in breach of a reporting ban, outside Leeds Crown Court in May 2018. See PA story COURTS Robinson. Photo credit should read: David Mirzoeff/PA Wire

Tommy Robinson talks about August 2018, he’d just been released from prison and within a week Janice Turner of The Times wrote a slanderous article about amongst other things, girlfriend beating. It was a Total Lie and he spent money on his lawyers writing to the Internationally Renowned Newspaper. The letter received back said words… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 6

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 5

Tommy Robinson elaborates on the Media Campaign against him. The Saudi funded Independant Newspaper printed Lies that he had Direct Messaged the Terrorist Darren Osborne, he Catagorically Proves this to be a Lie but the Damage had been done, other Newspapers when talking about the Osborne Terrorist, there’d be a picture of Tommy Robinson! Robinson… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 5

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 4

Tommy Robinson says that the MSM continually describe him as Far Right, but he states – “I despise the Far Right. What have I done? I speak out against Islamic Extremism, I’m labelled and put in a Pigeon Box as Extremist!” He’s been accused of being a White Supremacist, All Lies. He goes on, “My… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 4

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 3

Tommy Robinson talks here about the clear Agenda against him by the Media in the UK. He explains a Charity Walk where he is Assaulted, he has Video Evidence and the Police end up Arresting Him and his friend and the Perpetrator walks off! Channel 4 filmed the whole incident but in their reporting they… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 3

Tommy Robinson with Jack Dawkins

In an interview with Jack Dawkins, Tommy Robinson says it as it so Patently is – “Fear is Paralysing, it’s Infected the Police, the Authorities; it’s the Islamization of Britain…the Government interfering with the Media, Pressurizing them to remove Dissident Voices, that’s Facism!”. He elaborates, “I’ve not got a Platform in the UK, they used… Continue reading Tommy Robinson with Jack Dawkins

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 2

Tommy Robinson makes it clear that he’s against Radical Islam, he’s against the Islamisation of his town, his country and Europe. He sees the Grooming Gangs Epidemic as Rape Jihad. This is a Fair Point cause please remember that there are many Muslim Kids that are Forced to sit in the Mosque and resight the… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 2

Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 1

Tommy Robinson was visibly moved at the beginning of his speech in Denmark’s Parliament after accepting the Free Press Society’s 2019 Sappho Award for the world’s most important Defender of Free Speech. He talks about the Political Pressure that was put on Copenhagen to Cancel the event and Congratulates them for Resisting, he mentions the… Continue reading Tommy Robinson in Denmark Part 1

Halal is absolutely Disgusting

This is a clip of a woman in Britain strongly voicing her Disgust at Halal. Every word she states I have to Agree with. “I’m not allowed to say what I’m about to say,‭ ‬and that is that I find halal slaughter absolutely disgusting.‭ ‬I find it completely and utterly repugnant and abhorrent…‭ ‬a‭ ‬16‭… Continue reading Halal is absolutely Disgusting