Jan 2022. Free Speech Nation 7

“Mr. Bean” actor Rowan Atkinson compared cancel culture to a “medieval mob looking for someone to burn.” Indeed. No one is immune to woke politics. It doesn’t matter how long ago a person made their irredeemably “offensive” comments, or how passionate their apologies are — the social media mob takes no prisoners.  https://vk.com/video677203037_456239386

Free Speech Part 19

The Government has vowed to tackle extremism ‘in all its forms’. But who are ‘extremists’? Terrorists? Of course. But what about political activists? Religious groups? Anti-religious groups? Trade unionists? Environmental campaigners? Are these people extremists too? The Government must tackle terrorism and criminal behaviour. But defining extremism too widely risks harming free speech. https://vk.com/video677203037_456239335

Dec 2021. Religion should Keep Out of Politics

Nana Akua talks about Religion, making comments about various things happening in our society. She makes the point that Religion should stick to what it knows and keep its nose out of what it doesn’t! She reminds us of all Religions having been found out with regards Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse and whatever other Abuse… Continue reading Dec 2021. Religion should Keep Out of Politics

Dec 2021. MSM Don’t Report the Real News

Nana Akua, whom I really like and makes some very valid points, she talks about the Conservative Christmas Parties of last year and why did whomever know about it yet keep it till now, a year later. This is an excellent question. The MSM are all over last year and totally ignoring what is going… Continue reading Dec 2021. MSM Don’t Report the Real News

Nov 2021. The Media on Terror Attacks

Globalization allows people from all over the world to access news via radio, television and the Internet. At the same time, thanks to the progress in communication technologies, radical groups and terrorist organizations are spreading across borders. They have members and sympathizers present in many countries who they want to inspire and also “enemies” they want… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Media on Terror Attacks