012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 1

Some years ago in the Parliament of the EU, Nigel Farage says it as it is, “When we had a President,‭ ‬we’d see a Giant Global Political Figure.‭ ‬The man that would be the Political Leader for Five Hundred Million People.‭ ‬The man that would Represent all of us on the World Stage.‭ ‬The man… Continue reading 012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 1

002. George Galloway on Parliament resisting Brexit

The question is asked of George Galloway if it’s Credible for Boris Johnson to remain Defiant against the calls for him to Resign, “Well these calls for the Resignation would be more Credible if the people doing the calling were not actually stopping him from Resigning.‭ ‬He is desperately trying to get a General Election… Continue reading 002. George Galloway on Parliament resisting Brexit

001. George Galloway on Luxembourg and Brexit

George Galloway is asked about the Negotiations going on with UK and EU regarding Brexit, and he makes comment on the Luxembourg visit – “Boris Johnson’s humiliation in Luxembourg by the prime minister of what is effectively a Tax Haven is good optics for Boris Johnson. It’s all building up a kind of Patriotic Feeling… Continue reading 001. George Galloway on Luxembourg and Brexit