Trump over Biden Part 5

President Donald Trump moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, breaking with those who said it would ignite the Muslim world. He withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and ordered the killing of a top Iranian general, defying those who said those moves would lead to war. He brokered treaties between Israel and two… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 5

Antifa Move In on Beverly Hills

Police made several arrests after a group of Black Lives Matter protesters marched through a Beverly Hills residential neighborhood Friday night. “Videos and photographs of the mob flooded social media as they shouted various messages throughout the residential neighborhood and tore down American flags,” the Daily Wire reported. Just one day after Donald Trump announced… Continue reading Antifa Move In on Beverly Hills

Trump Drive By greeting Supporters at Hospital

Donald Trump whilst in hospital suffering from Covid-19 decides he needs to get into his motorcade and Thank the People personally who have been present outside the Hospital since he was admitted. The man is 74 years of age! He sure has one hell of a lot of Guts and one hell of a Big… Continue reading Trump Drive By greeting Supporters at Hospital

Sep 2020. Trump reverses Obama bid to prevent Racism in US Housing

President Trump says the rollback of the rule, which forced cities to report on housing discrimination in their communities, is to give local governments more freedom from federal regulations. Effective from Tuesday, the Trump administration is replacing an Obama-era rule that sought to end racial segregation and discrimination in American housing. President Trump says the… Continue reading Sep 2020. Trump reverses Obama bid to prevent Racism in US Housing

Trump Over Biden Part 4

Trump’s attacks on NATO allies for their failure to fulfill commitments to spend at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defence was uniformly derided. But today, three years on, NATO defence spending is up, and even many Europeans say Trump’s threats helped them wake up. Trade is another example of a viciously… Continue reading Trump Over Biden Part 4

Trump Over Biden Part 3

Arrests for illegal border crossings into the United States dropped again in December 2019, the seventh consecutive month they have declined. The fact you probably haven’t heard about this in the media is likely because it is a big win for President Trump — and that’s one reason why so many Trump backers have tuned… Continue reading Trump Over Biden Part 3

Trump Over Biden Part 1

Since the George Floyd Incident, Antifa were out of the blocks and Looting and Rioting within a day! They were ready in the US, they were just waiting for something to jump on to use for their attempt at the destruction of a Culture and Society. Think I’m going over the top? Look at what’s… Continue reading Trump Over Biden Part 1

May 2020. The George Floyd Riots in USA

May 2020. Protesters have clashed with police in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed African-American man at the hands of officers in Minneapolis. Minnesota’s governor said the tragedy of the death of George Floyd in police custody had morphed into “something much different – wanton destruction”. New York, Atlanta, Portland and… Continue reading May 2020. The George Floyd Riots in USA

May 2020. Trump Executive Order against Twitter

May 2020. US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at removing some of the legal protections given to social media platforms. He said the firms had “unchecked power” to censure and edit the views of users. President Trump has regularly accused platforms such as Twitter and Facebook of stifling conservative voices. The… Continue reading May 2020. Trump Executive Order against Twitter