Britain, without the native population in complete dominance, will enter a new Dark Age. Our people will never be safe. Our culture will be degraded. Our values & traditions lost. Our heritage ended. The most influential ethnic group the World has ever known will be destroyed.
Tag: Diversity
Campaign Against Halal Part 20
Here we have a Channel 5 bulletin where there’s a discussion about Halal Meat. The long and the short of it is there’s Agreement that Stunning the animal and then Slitting the throat is okay?? The Muslim guy argues that when Stunned, it’s not Halal, he argues that many against non-stun killing are being Islamophobic,… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 20
Problems with Diversity Part 69
For us, the native British people, to save ourselves and our country, we don’t need to invent any new values or national characteristics. We just need to remember the old ones and have the courage to revive them.
Campaign Against Halal Part 19
A Belgian ban on kosher and halal slaughter of animals without being stunned has been backed by the European Court of Justice, which rejected objections by religious groups. The EU’s highest court backed a Flemish decision to require the use of stunning for livestock on animal rights grounds. The animal is not killed in the… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 19
Problems with Diversity Part 68
1966 UK population = 54 million (1 million immigrants) 2020 UK population = 67 million (14 million immigrants) “Immigrant” = no direct link to British ancestors before 1946. Number of native Britons has not changed. All increased demand for housing, public services etc due to immigration.
Campaign Against Halal Part 18
The former Smiths frontman Morrissey – ‘If you use the term “humane slaughter” then you might as well talk in terms of “humane rape”. People sound very stupid when they mention “humane slaughter”.’ In conventional slaughterhouses, animals are given an electric shock to ensure they are unconscious before their throats are cut, minimising suffering.
Problems with Diversity Part 67
Is it unreasonable to ask all adult immigrants in Britain to pay the State £1000 a year extra tax for the privilege of sharing in our heritage? After all, our ancestors (not theirs) worked, sacrificed, fought, invented & discovered over centuries to create our culture & country.
Campaign Against Halal Part 17
There’s chilling footage available during an investigation into a slaughterhouse which supplies Morrisons. The abattoir which provides halal and kosher meat appears to ignore all standards of animal welfare despite the presence of a government inspector and two vets and boasting all staff have had proper training. The Food Standards Agency was so horrified by… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 17
Problems with Diversity Part 66
For 12,000 years our ancestors in Britain struggled, suffered, worked, hunted, farmed, built, invented and preserved a heritage that we have inherited. Any immigrants who have come here since WW2 should be paying us reparations for benefitting from those efforts of our ancestors My New Year’s Resolution will be an all-out attack on the position… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 66
Campaign Against Halal Part 16
In a Halal slaughterhouse, cameras capture sheep being ferried along a metal pen where a worker casually lifts their heads and slashes their throats. They are so distressed as they begin bleeding to death they wriggle over the sides and have to be hauled back in, legs flailing, and piled up at the end as… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 16