The Political Correctness Nutters continue their work – Applause was banned by the National Union of Students’ Women’s Campaign over concerns that it could ‘trigger anxiety’ among nervous students. Whooping and cheering have also raised concerns. Instead, politically-correct students now show support for a speaker with a bizarre display of ‘jazz hands’, a form of… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 76
Tag: Diversity
Campaign Against Halal Part 25
We in the UK have fought many years to be a civilized nation and we will not let those standards drop to barbaric practices like Halal because of a minority living in our country. If you live in Britain you must adapt to our values, custom’s and high standards. WE will NOT allow our standards… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 25
Andrew Doyle on Free Speech Part 3
A teacher has been suspended from a school after he allegedly showed cartoons of Mohammed to his class, sparking a protest from parents. Messages on social media urged people to gather outside Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire, after a teacher was said to have shown the cartoons to pupils. He was trying to teach… Continue reading Andrew Doyle on Free Speech Part 3
Problems with Diversity Part 75
Suffolk County Council stopped using traditional signs warning drivers ‘Cat’s eyes removed’ after fears that real cats may have been killed to manufacture these reflective road safety measures. Ipswich resident Rebecca Brewer was reported as saying: ‘I have a five-year-old daughter who was very upset the first time she saw the sign — she really… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 75
Campaign Against Halal Part 24
As well as the cruelty, Christians and Sikhs are forbidden to eat halal and kosher and since it is unlabelled, our religious rights are being violated. We therefore insist that all animals are stunned prior to slaughter, and that all halal and kosher foods are banned in this country.
Problems with Diversity Part 74
Transgender campaigners condemn such phrases as inaccurate and offensive. Even ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’ are deemed ‘problematic’ by the influential US gay rights ‘media monitoring’ group GLAAD which used to be called the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, because they ‘oversimplify’ the ‘complex subject’ of gender. We’re told the correct usage is to… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 74
Andrew Doyle on Free Speech Part 1
Andrew Doyle talks about the risks to Free Speech and that it has always got to be defended. He talks about Hate Speech and puts it simply that that is simply what opinions are presently fashionable, Hate! To be able to Freely Speak, there will always be people that will Hate that opinion.
Campaign Against Halal Part 23
Halal Slaughter is completely unnecessary because the people who eat this food can say a prayer over the food which enables them to eat it. We are a predominantly Christian country and we demand that you follow the wishes of the British people. We insist all animals are stunned prior to slaughter. The Danish PM… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 23
Problems with Diversity Part 73
Oxford University’s Equality and Diversity Unit tried to accuse people who avoid eye contact with others of ‘racist micro-aggression’ — before it was pointed out that such advice might be seen as discriminatory against people with autism who may struggle to look others in the eye.
Campaign Against Halal Part 22
Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and the Netherlands have banned halal slaughter, and as an animal loving nation, we are insisting the same happens in the UK. We are angry at the Government and food industry for pandering to the MINORITY group that want halal and kosher foods, and we stand up and set an… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 22