Problems with Diversity Part 103

Even the most innocent verbal exchange can become a minefield. Guidance from the University of California, Berkeley, has decreed that asking ‘where are you from?’ or ‘where were you born?’ could be racist micro-aggression — because the phrases are ‘a covert way to say you don’t belong here’.

Problems with Diversity Part 102

A lecturer at Harvard Law School was urged by a student not to use the word ‘violate’ as in the phrase ‘does this conduct violate the law?’ — as it might trigger traumatic fears about rape. It was even suggested that rape law should not be taught to protect students from ‘distress’. What? Law students… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 102

Campaign Against Halal Part 44

In the UK, 58 percent of Halal meat comes from animals which have been stunned before slaughter and certified Halal. All animals slaughtered under the Shechita (for Kosher) are non-stunned. When an animal is killed without being stunned, it will only become unconscious and insensitive to pain after prolonged blood loss, resulting in a terrifying… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 44

Campaign Against Halal Part 43

With the UK’s high animal welfare standards, it can be easy to presume that all animals slaughtered for meat are killed humanely and with care. Sadly, not every animal’s death is painless. It’s all too true that the practice of slaughter without pre-stunning can cause suffering to millions of farm animals.Current UK law requires animals… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 43

Problems with Diversity Part 100

In an attempt to appease the transgender lobby, some police forces are scrapping traditional men’s and women’s uniforms. In response to its ‘Gender Identity Working Group’, Dyfed Powys constabulary in Wales switched to ‘gender-neutral’ outfits, including a unisex hat and neckwear. ‘We have learnt there may have been times when practices and procedures have adversely… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 100

Problems with Diversity Part 99

The Cancel Culture Brigade use the term ‘twerking’. The provocative, rump-grinding dance style which singer Miley Cyrus has been accused of culturally appropriating from black musicians. Lily Allen, too, has been criticised for using black women dancers twerking in a pop video — ironic, as she sees herself as a cheerleader for right-on behaviour.

Problems with Diversity Part 98

Universities now widely use ‘trigger warnings’ to advise students that something may cause them distress. This kind of alarmism even extends to classic literature such as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, which is said to feature ‘gory, abusive and misogynistic violence’. Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway needs to be treated with caution because of… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 98

Problems with Diversity Part 97

The Students’ Union at the University of East Anglia in Norwich banned a local Mexican-themed restaurant (Pedro’s Tex Mex Cantina) from handing out sombreros to students in 2015 as part of a marketing drive. Union officials claimed the hats breached a policy forbidding stall-holders from handing out materials including ‘discriminatory or stereotypical imagery’.