Globalism increases corruption. It increases corruption on the international and national level. The primary beneficiaries of globalism and globalization are: Multinational corporations, Financial Investors and Politicians. This is because multinational corporations receive the huge tax breaks and economies of scale to totally dominate the world market. The financial investors use financial speculation and international trade… Continue reading My War on Globalism 18
Tag: depopulation agenda
My War on Globalism 17
We buy products from China or India. And then our own countries go and build companies and factories in these countries. We’re investing in their products and investing in their industries/infrastructure. We are giving up our own industries to invest in theirs. How is this a positive thing to the people I will never understand.… Continue reading My War on Globalism 17
My War on Globalism 16
Local cultures in developing nations are becoming ‘capitalistic’ whether they like it or not, through globalization. This can spark a large-scale uprising against Western nations because of our perceived interference with their culture and traditions. It also harms our own local cultures as well. We are no longer seen as independent cultures within nation states,… Continue reading My War on Globalism 16
My War on Globalism 15
It’s easier to transmit diseases. This problem with globalism occurs because of increased contact through trade routes and interdependency. Many diseases in the past were confined to relatively geographic-specific areas. If a black plague were to arise today, it could infect at least one person in the entire mainland world within one week. Pandemics are… Continue reading My War on Globalism 15
My War on Globalism 14
We aren’t a sovereign nation if we have to abide by international organizations that control us. Globalism supports these integrations with places like the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Being forced to follow un-elected officials is not independence. As mentioned above, how would we fight against these people? They aren’t elected. We can’t… Continue reading My War on Globalism 14
Apr 2023. Is Pfizer Safe
Apr 2023. The Globalist Protection Racket
My War on Globalism 13
We are reliant on many countries now for manufacturing and service industries. We are deindustrializing. What happens if a major world conflict were to occur? The lines would be drawn, and we are out of a hell of a lot of manufacturing power. Sadly, we’d need years to build back up to a point where… Continue reading My War on Globalism 13
My War on Globalism 12
People lose their jobs from globalism. They can’t get wage increases or betterment from salary stagnation. So what do they do? They go on welfare programs. It should be no question the resulting problem of an increase in welfare consumption, but to give a short idea: It increases taxpayer burden, increases dependency on the state,… Continue reading My War on Globalism 12
My War on Globalism 11
How about Technologies being stolen due to Globalization. To produce the services and products that major companies need, they have to have people to develop and implement them. Typically, the manufacturing part is done in developing nations. It’s very easy for them to take this technology and rip-off the company and make a cheaper alternative.… Continue reading My War on Globalism 11