November 2019. The Bolivians are facing food and fuel shortages as supporters of the former president Evo Morales continue to blockade roads. The new interim government says it’s created an Air Bridge to the main city, La Paz, with military planes delivering supplies. They’re working on similar plans in other cities. Morales Resigned, he went… Continue reading Nov 2019. Bolivia Crisis
Tag: Democracy
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 11
Peter Robinson quotes the text from Douglas Murray’s books – “Promised throughout their Lifetimes that the Changes were Temporary, the Changes were Not Real, or that the Changes did Not Signify Anything. Europeans discovered that in the Lifespan of People Now Alive, they would become Minorities in their own countries, close quote. So the question… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 11
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 10
Peter Robinson quoting text from Douglas Murray’s book – From the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 up to the late 20th century, the Nation State had generally been regarded not only as the Best Guarantor of the Constitutional Order and Liberal Rights, but the Ultimate Guarantor of Peace. Yet this certainty has also Ended. Central… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 10
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 9
Peter Robinson – “What do Muslims make of this when they watch all this? Their populations growing in Africa or the Middle East? I mean, what comes across to us every so often in videos and so forth, there will be some Imam denouncing the West as Decadent. But if decadence, if Cultural Decadence means… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 9
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8
Peter Robinson asks, “Young people go to university for four years. And yes, of course, the universities are Dominated by the Liberals, but the kids are Smart Enough to figure that out. And the Moment they leave university, they get Jobs, they start paying Taxes, they go through it. People have gone through the Struggles… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 7
Peter Robinson points out to Douglas Murray, “It’s almost as though there’s no Cultural Immune System. That what would have been Scoffed At, Laughed At single digit number of decades ago, which certainly would not have been Championed by the BBC. Now someone makes a Claim. Douglas Mary would say that, but that’s not so,… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 7
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 6
Peter Robinson quotes Douglas Murray with regards his book, “We are going through a Great Derangement. People are behaving in ways that are increasingly Irrational, Feverish, Herd Like and simply Unpleasant. And you examine the identity politics of Gays, Women, Racial Minorities and Trans. And the ways in which they’re all mad!… The single factor… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 6
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 5
Mr Robinson asks Douglas Murray, “In all the years since the Second World War, the Germans have made this Concerted Effort to build a Good Society. Has made Economic Recovery of all kinds. And instead of feeling a sense of Pride and Accomplishment, it’s just Exhaustion. Why?” Douglas Murray – “The why is this. Almost… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 5
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 4
Peter Robinson asks the question, “Again, I’m quoting you, Douglas. At the same time that we’ve had this Influx, at the same time, Europe has Lost Faith in its Beliefs, Traditions and Legitimacy. Europe is now deeply weighed down with Guilt for the Past. And there is also the problem of an Existential Tiredness, and… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 4
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 3
Douglas Murray – “In many ways, look at the reception at Munich station as 10,000 people are arriving every 48 hours or so at the height of the movement in 2015. They were coming up through the Balkans and up through Central Europe, and there were crowds at Munich train station, High Five-ing the Arrivals,… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 3