The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 12

The Biden margin of win in Arizona was 10,457. There were 9,500 nonresidents of the place that voted. 19,154 people were sent mail-in ballots whose votes were counted but they said they never returned a ballot! There were 3,090 Trump ballots miscounted for Biden. Absolutely Crazy.

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 11

The Biden margin in Nevada was 33,596. 42,000 voted twice. 1,500 voted when they were Dead. More than 19,000 voted from other states. More than 8,000 voted by people with ballots sent to undeliverable addresses. More than 15,000 votes cast from commercial or vacant addresses. More than 4,000 votes cast by non US citizens. All… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 11

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 10

If all the illegally cast ballots were on an even Trump/Biden split then Biden’s lead would hold even with the discarded votes so officials would have nothing to lose if they support discarding the illegal votes. We can only conclude that the illegal votes that should be disallowed are overwhelmingly for Biden and so officials… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 10

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 9

In Georgia. Deceased voters – 8,718 (people proven to have died before 3/11/20 and yet votes were recorded in their name). The total of PROVABLE illegally counted votes in Georgia was 97,086. The Trump campaign have furnished the state with the lists of the voters concerned and the Secretary of State’s office could match the… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 9

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 8

In Georgia. Voting in two states – 395 (people who moved from GA and voted in their new state). Voters voting from other states – 15,700 (people who filled out Change of Address forms with the USPS to locations out of state and yet still voted in GA. Once you leave GA, you cannot legally… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 8

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 7

In Georgia, Felons who voted – 2,560 (it is illegal under GA law for felons to vote).  Underage voters – 66,247 (people who turned 18 more than 6 months after November 3rd and so ineligible to vote on 3/11/20). Unregistered voters – 2,423 (under GA law you must be first registered to vote before you… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 7

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 43

Much is made of all the lawsuits on election fraud that have failed. Analyzing all the cases would be a separate lengthy post in itself that I won’t attempt, suffice it to say that the mainstream media narrative is to lump all suits together as one mass of failure with little to no analysis as… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 43

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 6

Retail fraud is defined as the counting of illegal votes cast by voters ineligible to vote or cast in an illegal manner as opposed to institutional fraud where portions of a state’s election procedures are unconstitutional resulting in whole categories of votes being counted when state electoral law says otherwise or industrial fraud involving possible… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 6

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 5

There are background interviews with persons acquainted with the personal circumstances of the accused to build up provable motives. Large fraud trials such as the Bernie Madoff giant Ponzi scheme took years to bring to trial and consumed huge resources of large Federal agencies such as the SEC and FBI. In the case of proving… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 5

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 4

Proving fraud to the level of proof required in a criminal case (beyond reasonable doubt) is not easy because those committing fraud go to extraordinary lengths to cover their tracks. Often the case has to be built incrementally with fragments of proof from different sources. Usually this means some documentary evidence like bank statements, invoices,… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 4