Soon after the November general election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, obtained data from the National Change of Address (NCOA) database that identified Georgia residents who had confirmed moves with the U.S. Postal Service. After excluding moves with effective dates within 30… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 39
Tag: Democracy
Trump over Biden Part 38
A stunning new report has revealed that there was likely enough fraudulent votes cast in Georgia by persons who voted in counties they had already moved out of to overturn Biden’s 12,670 vote lead in November. According to new evidence, more than 10,300 illicit votes were cast in Georgia’s general election in November 2020, a… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 38
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 58
Pelosi’s impeachment has officially backfired. It was supposed to be their ace in the hole. Democrats crafted a seemingly perfect scheme to undermine the Trump administration and secure a 2020 win. They had the backing of the mainstream media. They stacked their hearings with biased Democrats. They even made sure the so-called whistleblower’s name stayed… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 58
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 57
Lou Dobbs argues that the US is in a perilous situation after the US Elections of 2020. The Left are Attacking Free Speech. It’s argued that Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Wall Street, the Chamber of Commerce and the Rest have played a part in there not being a Fair and Honest Election and are now Attacking… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 57
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 56
Lou Dobbs talks about Sen Graham still hiding material critical to the Democrats that the US Public want to know about. It would seem that under pressure there’s been a lot of material de-classified days before Biden takes office that should have been released something like six months prior to the Election. Is that not… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 56
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 55
Lou Dobbs talks about the four year Scandal that went on all through the Donald Trump presidency of the Left and Deep State to Overthrow a President, to Block his Agenda, to Block his Candidacy for President and to a great extent, they have won.
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 54
The program Tipping Point in America makes the point that the so called ‘Mistakes’ in the US Election all favoured Biden. When you look at the employee contributions of Dominion Voting Systems, 95% went to Democrats, a Neutral Organisation? Don’t think so. Smartmatic it was 86%. Are we still arguing Black is White?
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 53
The New York Times – “Voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence which candidate was the deserved winner. The list includes the 2000 presidential election, in which problems with absentee ballots in Florida were a… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 53
Jun 2021. Hong Kong Migrants to the UK
The UK has introduced a new visa that will give 5.4 million Hong Kong residents – a staggering 70% of the territory’s population – the right to come and live in the UK, and eventually become citizens. It is making this “generous” offer to residents of its former colony because it believes China is undermining… Continue reading Jun 2021. Hong Kong Migrants to the UK
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 52
This is the trailer to ‘The Deep Rig’, I’ll be posting it once it’s out next month. Patrick M. Byrne is a libertarian who did not vote for Trump and has publicly criticized him: that said, he believes Election 2020 was Rigged, and that should be objectionable to every person who believes, “just government derives… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 52