The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 47

When it comes to the allegations of industrial fraud, that of manipulation of vote totals by tabulation machines and of the introduction of fraudulent ballots on a large scale to provide the paper ballot backup to the machine manipulation, it’s nye on impossible to prove this in such a short time. Perhaps the most public… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 47

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 45

In the case of Georgia, several of the failed suits were filed by Sidney Powell and Atlanta based defamation attorney Lin Wood. Powell’s suits invoke her “Kraken” which comprises allegations of the vast global network of foreign interference and control of the Dominion machines. Proving allegations like this are best left to the heads of… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 45

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 15

The Georgia State Legislature also has the distinction of holding the most hearings on voter fraud and those hearings have been official in that authorized State Senate Committee chairs have convened them under normal committee meeting rules on the premises of the State Legislature. Also, in the GA hearings, Democrat legislators have been present and… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 15

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 14

Georgia has become ground zero for 2020 Presidential election voter fraud allegations because in that state, the three types of voter fraud (retail, constitutional and industrial) are all present. Georgia adds an additional layer of fascination because the Governor (Brain Kemp) and the Secretary of State (Brad Raffensperger) are Republicans and tension over voter fraud… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 14

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 44

Large fraud takes time to prove, even for law enforcement agencies who have the resources of a state or federal government to back them up. Much of the work of unearthing the fraud has been done by a small number of experts who lack resources and lawsuits have been brought in a scattergun throw-it-all-up-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach.… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 44

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 13

4 states with 43 combined Electoral College votes have proven retail fraud of a scale in each state, if properly investigated and the illegal votes were disallowed, would result in an ECV split of Trump 275 – Biden 263. This does not include Pennsylvania (20 ECV) where institutional fraud against the State Constitution took place… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 13

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 12

The Biden margin of win in Arizona was 10,457. There were 9,500 nonresidents of the place that voted. 19,154 people were sent mail-in ballots whose votes were counted but they said they never returned a ballot! There were 3,090 Trump ballots miscounted for Biden. Absolutely Crazy.

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 11

The Biden margin in Nevada was 33,596. 42,000 voted twice. 1,500 voted when they were Dead. More than 19,000 voted from other states. More than 8,000 voted by people with ballots sent to undeliverable addresses. More than 15,000 votes cast from commercial or vacant addresses. More than 4,000 votes cast by non US citizens. All… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 11

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 10

If all the illegally cast ballots were on an even Trump/Biden split then Biden’s lead would hold even with the discarded votes so officials would have nothing to lose if they support discarding the illegal votes. We can only conclude that the illegal votes that should be disallowed are overwhelmingly for Biden and so officials… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 10

The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 9

In Georgia. Deceased voters – 8,718 (people proven to have died before 3/11/20 and yet votes were recorded in their name). The total of PROVABLE illegally counted votes in Georgia was 97,086. The Trump campaign have furnished the state with the lists of the voters concerned and the Secretary of State’s office could match the… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 9