The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 26

An SNP Failure – “increase the provision of free nursery education for 3 and 4 year olds by 50 per cent. That means increasing the entitlement from 400 hours a year to 600 hours a year” – SNP 2011 Manifesto, SNP 2011 Manifesto, page 51 Local authorities had not met the 600 hours target by… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 26

Debunking White Privilege Part 14

Jordan Peterson – I cannot be the only person who feels both angry and deeply offended by the general slur of racism and white privilege cast against my country and my fellow men; angry that this slur is being so casually endorsed without contest or analysis, especially on the broadcast media, and even in the formerly… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 14

Debunking White Privilege Part 13

"I think it would be wise to establish a legal-defense fund for my kids while they're still young."

“White privilege” is a term often invoked as a causal explanation for the success of whites relative to other groups. But the problem with white privilege isn’t its assumptions about racial discrimination, but its causal disposition. White privilege suffers from a bad case of mono-causality, or “one-thingism” as Jonah Goldberg puts it. [user-submitted-posts]

Free Speech Part 17

The government has concerns about the suppression of freedom of speech on campus. Under government plans, universities would be legally required to actively promote free speech and the OfS would have the power to impose fines on institutions if they breach this condition. This would also extend to student unions, which would have to ensure… Continue reading Free Speech Part 17

Debunking White Privilege Part 12

David Goodhart and his eminently fair thesis on ‘Facts vs feelings’, John McWhorter’s counter-analysis of anti-racism, ‘our new flawed religion’, other black conservative opinion the mainstream media here ignore and Heather Mac Donald’s debunking of the US police discrimination myth might not exist for the all the interest the MSM has shown in these counter-factuals to the dominating perceived… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 12

Free Speech Part 16

Groups representing students and universities have expressed caution at plans for a “free speech champion” to regulate England’s campuses. The government has announced plans for the role to ensure freedom of speech and expression is not stifled. The National Union of Students says there is “no evidence” of a freedom of speech crisis on campus.… Continue reading Free Speech Part 16

May 2021. The Glen Campbell Bias

Glenn Campbell is always on BBC Reporting Scotland and you have to listen to his often subtle bias, but often blatant bias towards the SNP. The BBC have lost the people that cherished them, it’s so sad. They need to fund themselves, Enough is Enough! [user-submitted-posts]

Free Speech Part 15

Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow – “I have my own servers and everything,” he adds that he has spent millions of dollars developing the platform. “We’re not going to be worried about Amazon taking it down or YouTube or Google or Apple and we are going to get our voice of free speech out there.”… Continue reading Free Speech Part 15