Nov 2021. The Pedantic Pronoun Police

Every once in a while some concerned citizen decides to do something about the fact that English has no gender-neutral pronoun. They either call for such a pronoun to be invented, or they invent one and champion its adoption. Wordsmiths have been coining gender-neutral pronouns for a century and a half, all to no avail.… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Pedantic Pronoun Police

Oct 2021. Woke Attacks on our Culture

Woke culture warriors are a noisy minority but they risk tearing the UK apart.Throwing around baseless allegations of racism and white privilege will lead to deep US-style social divisions. And social media platforms need to be held to account better for fuelling divisive movements. The experts found that cancel culture had exploded in the last… Continue reading Oct 2021. Woke Attacks on our Culture

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 32

The assumption of English moral turpitude is an ingrained tic in nationalist circles. Both SNP members and senior figures in the party jab constantly at England’s opposition to immigration and racist and imperialist attitudes. This of an England which has, proportionately and of course absolutely, by far the largest population of immigrants and their descendants… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 32

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 31

When Boris Johnson said no to another referendum on Scottish independence, Alex Neil, a former health secretary in the Scottish government, called on Scots to force the PM’s hand by emulating Mahatma Gandhi. Passive resistance, “securing rights by personal suffering” as Gandhi put it, was the way, thought Neil, to shame the British oppressor into… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 31

Aug 2021. The Need to Protect our Culture

Neil Oliver – “Civilization of the sort we have had here in the west, in these British Isles, is a brittle veneer, a thin blanket between us and the cold reality of the world and its history. A place like this where we have relative peace, equality and tolerance of difference is not in the… Continue reading Aug 2021. The Need to Protect our Culture

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 30

The level of poverty in Scotland in 2007 was running at 17 per cent, quite rightly described as a sign of serious political and economic failure. The problem for the SNP, even if it currently does not appear to be an electoral one, is that after 12 years of SNP government poverty is now the… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 30

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 29

It is widely thought that over and above disillusionment with eight years of Tony Blair’s New Labour government there were two specific policy areas that got the SNP over the line in front of Labour by a single seat in the 2007 Scottish Parliament elections. The first was the pledge to abolish the council tax,… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 29

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 28

After such a period of uninterrupted power and popular support, actually increasing their share of the constituency vote at each election, it would be easy to excuse the thought that the SNP had earned its political success by bold promises, and then delivering on them, changing the face of Scotland in the way that some… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 28

Free Speech Part 18

Jacob Rees-Mogg, leader of the House of Commons, eloquently talks about the Charge of the Woke Brigade being like the Charge of the Light Brigade, and he’s confident that it’ll have the same outcome, failure. He makes clear the Government’s position of bringing in new Laws to protect Free Speech. [user-submitted-posts]