In the last 24 hours there’s been an horrific collapse of public order, a disregard for human rights, scenes of violence towards innocent people and rule by an out of control mob of leaders drunk on power. Are we talking about Afghanistan? No, we’re talking about Australia and New Zealand. Crazy. Covid is being used… Continue reading Aug 2021. Australia and New Zealand Covid Lockdowns out of Control
Tag: Covid
Aug 2021. The SNP Covid Power Grab
The SNP have been accused of a Power Grab after unveiling emergency Covid powers are to be permanent. The Emergency Powers were granted by the Executive in Spring of last year during the Covid, it’s on the decline so why do they want to retain these powers?
Aug 2021. Trans Law in Scotland
The Scottish Executive is proposing to make it easier to legally change gender, as as young an age as four! Supporters say the plans are vital to ensure transgender people are treated with dignity – but one woman who used hormones and surgery to become a man, only to regret the decision, has described the… Continue reading Aug 2021. Trans Law in Scotland
Aug 2021. Running Away from Ourselves
Neil Oliver talks about the UK Government, and through the guise of the Covid Pandemic they are more and more telling us what to do. He talks about the ‘Snoopers Charter’ in Scotland which was defeated, a Bill which would have meant a named person appointed by the Scottish Executive, would be able to talk… Continue reading Aug 2021. Running Away from Ourselves
Anti Vax in Canada
I’ve had my two Covid Jabs for a few months now due to my work as a support worker. I was neither up nor down with the whole thing, I have to say however, if a leg or arm fall off, I’m suing the Government! I’ve not seen the whole thing as issue as many… Continue reading Anti Vax in Canada
Jun 2021. Covid Vaccination for our Children
Children under the age of 18 could be getting the Covid-19 vaccine as early as August should all trials be a success. Here’s the latest on the jab and children in the UK. The coronavirus vaccine rollout in the UK has been hailed a success so far, but as the Covid jab priority groups are… Continue reading Jun 2021. Covid Vaccination for our Children
Jun 2021. Staff Shortages due to Covid and Brexit
UK retailers are struggling to hire staff as lockdown restrictions continue to ease amidst an exodus of overseas workers because of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and recruitment firm Adecco, the reopening of retail and hospitality is driving plans to hire at the fastest rate… Continue reading Jun 2021. Staff Shortages due to Covid and Brexit
The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 3
There is compelling evidence that fear can change behavior, and there have been ethical arguments that using fear can be justified, particularly when threats are severe. As public health professors with expertise in history and ethics, we have been open in some situations to using fear in ways that help individuals understand the gravity of… Continue reading The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 3
The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 2
You probably still remember public service ads that scared you: The cigarette smoker with throat cancer. The victims of a drunk driver. The guy who neglected his cholesterol and is lying in a morgue with a toe tag. With new, highly transmissible variants of SARS-CoV-2 now spreading, some health professionals have started calling for the… Continue reading The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 2
The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 1
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial laywer, who succesfully sued large fraudulent corporations, like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. His worldwide network of lawyers has listened to a hundred experts from every field of science. They collected undeniable evidence that the covid pandemic is a planned criminal operation. According to Dr Fuellmich a second Nuremberg… Continue reading The Covid 19 Fear Game Part 1