The Persecution of Christians Part 47

There is a bloodbath in Nigeria. Those who track religious freedom violations and Christian persecution agree with those who increasingly speak of another genocide. Murderous incidents are acted out with accelerating frequency, perpetrated primarily by two terror groups—Boko Haram and Fulani jihadis. Tens of thousands of Nigerians have been slaughtered in the last decade. But… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 47

The Persecution of Christians Part 46

There are 93.8 million Christians in Nigeria, making up 46.7 per cent of the population. In the south of the country, Nigerians are free to follow Jesus – but northern Nigeria and the ‘middle belt’ sees extreme Christian persecution. Why are Christians persecuted in Nigeria? Islamic extremists carry out horrific persecution in northern Nigeria. Twelve… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 46

The Persecution of Christians Part 45

Why is the persecution of Christians never talked about by MSM? The persecution is becoming a genocide. But the Christian has to be seen as the Attacker and the Muslim as the Victim. In our world today, this is not the case, Christians are the most attacked religion in the world.

The Persecution of Christians Part 44

The World Council of Churches and the Lutheran World Federation issued a joint appeal  expressing concern at  “the continuing violence and targeted sectarian attacks against people, including religious leaders, in northern Nigeria,” and urging the president to do more to protect civilians.

The Persecution of Christians Part 43

Congregations have been asked to walk around areas where their churches are located, praying for divine intervention and global assistance to bring all forms of violence afflicting the nation to an end. CAN has also asked churches to engage with the media in order to guarantee coverage of the prayer walks, and to ensure effective… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 43

Cultural Marxism Part 4

The rhetoric around “White privilege” is actually only one slice of the bigger pie called Critical Theory. The same kind of critique is made of people’s ‘privilege’ on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, family, race, culture and religion. My experience of Christians discussing ‘White Privilege’ in South Africa is that they are often… Continue reading Cultural Marxism Part 4

Cultural Marxism Part 3

The ideological framework of Critical theory originated with think-tanks from the Marxist school who realized that Marxism needed a wholesale make-over. Marxism had at its core the aim of ‘leveling the playing fields’ by uniting the Proletariat (the ‘have-nots’) in the common cause of over-throwing the control of the Bourgeoisie (the ‘haves’). [user-submitted-posts]

Cultural Marxism Part 2

So what is Critical theory? Critical theory analyses the power balances within society and categorizes people broadly as ‘oppressed’ or ‘oppressor’ based upon their racial, economic, gender or other social profile. Their intention is to liberate the oppressed and radically reshape the societal landscape. The language of ‘equality’, ‘justice’ and ‘liberation’ employed by Critical theory… Continue reading Cultural Marxism Part 2

Cultural Marxism Part 1

I have often witnessed Christians speaking past each other on the topic of ‘justice’ because there are different schools of thought that have parallel meanings and may even use similar words but are actually polar opposites ideologically. “White privilege” is one of the phrases that gets bandied about. ‘Social justice’ is another activist movement which… Continue reading Cultural Marxism Part 1

The Persecution of Christians Part 42

The suffering of the Christians in Nigeria, the story is nearly always the same: heavily armed jihadis suddenly appear in the dead of night. They attack house after house, breaking down doors, shouting Allahu Akbar. They shoot the elderly and able-bodied men. They rape, mutilate, and murder women. They kidnap young boys and girls. They… Continue reading The Persecution of Christians Part 42