Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 7

Captain Sir Tom Moore was knighted by the Queen at Windsor Castleafter raising more than £32m for NHS charities by walking 100 laps of his garden. Captain Sir Tom said it was “an absolutely outstanding day, I am absolutely overawed.” “This is such a high award and to get it from Her Majesty as well… Continue reading Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 7

Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 6

“Black Out Tuesday” was held globally on June 2 in response to the death of George Floyd in the US, which sparked anti-racism protests across the UK. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets and a statue of slave trader Edward Colston was toppled and dumped in Bristol Harbour, the same month the UK’s coronavirus… Continue reading Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 6

Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 2

While coronavirus may have dominated 2020, Brexit was back on the cards in early January and the UK formally left the EU on 31st January, beginning an 11-month transition period. No doubt influenced by Brexit, the term ‘Megxit’ was coined a week into the new year when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced plans… Continue reading Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 2

Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 1

As revellers celebrated the start of a new decade last New Year’s Eve, authorities in China confirmed doctors were treating more than a dozen cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause” in the city of Wuhan. This unknown virus, which would later be named Covid-19, led to a global crisis in 2020, with more than a… Continue reading Dec 2020. The Story of 2020 Part 1

Bubonic Plague in China

China has announced an emergency after a three-year-old boy contracted the bubonic plague in the south-west of the country. The young boy was infected with the disease in a rural village in Menghai county, Yunnan. The case of the deadly disease was reported in the China last week before being confirmed on Sunday. The child is… Continue reading Bubonic Plague in China

Sep 2020. Germany announces shifting approach to China

In European politics it has become something of a truism that Germany is first among equals. Where Germany goes, so goes Europe, as a leadership role is ascribed to Berlin in a variety of issues from the Eurozone crisis of 2012 to dealing with COVID-19 and its economic consequences. There are signs that the German… Continue reading Sep 2020. Germany announces shifting approach to China

Sep 2020. India and China compete for Influence over Bangladesh

When Narendra Modi was elected to the office of prime minister for the first time in 2014, he invited his counterparts from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Maldives, and Bhutan to his swearing-in ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The move set Modi’s “Neighborhood First” policy in motion, shifting Indian foreign policy’s focus towards… Continue reading Sep 2020. India and China compete for Influence over Bangladesh

Sep 2020. Uighur Horrors in China

China’s internment of Uighurs and other Muslims in the north-western Xinjiang province is a moral outrage. In the name of fighting Terrorism the People’s Republic has imprisoned as many as Two Million People, according to estimates from the US State Department. In a chilling example of the euphemisms behind which authoritarians can hide a policy… Continue reading Sep 2020. Uighur Horrors in China

Aug 2020. Uighur Chinese

August 2020. As a model for the massive Chinese online retailer Taobao, the 31-year-old was well paid to flaunt his good looks in slick promotional videos for clothing brands. But one video of Mr Ghappar is different. Instead of a glitzy studio or fashionable city street, the backdrop is a bare room with grubby walls… Continue reading Aug 2020. Uighur Chinese

Aug 2020. Tik Tok Video Platform

August 2020. was a popular short-form (15 seconds) video streaming and sharing app, with over 100 million users, up until August 2018. The app allowed users a plethora of music and dialogue options, with which they could lip sync and make funny or entertaining videos. The app was widely popular with some content creators… Continue reading Aug 2020. Tik Tok Video Platform