Education or Indoctrination Part 22

The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – In 1936, membership in Nazi youth groups became mandatory for all boys and girls between the ages of ten and seventeen. After-school meetings and weekend camping trips sponsored by the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls trained children to become faithful to the Nazi Party… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 22

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 29

Dr Ella Hill defines the activities of the grooming gangs as ‘racially and religiously aggravated rape’, perpetrated by a group or network. She revealed that the grooming gangs primarily target underage girls but also victimise young and old women. “Well, it’s all over the UK. There are a lot of different towns that have been… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 29

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 28

There is a Muslim determination of innocence. An example of this mindset was the leader of the Rochdale grooming gang, Shabir Ahmed, who failed to overturn his convictions at the European Court of Human Rights by claiming an all-white jury was part of a conspiracy to scapegoat Muslims. During his trial Ahmed repeatedly accused the… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 28

Education or Indoctrination Part 21

The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – Founded in 1926, the original purpose of the Hitler Youth was to train boys to enter the SA (Storm Troopers), a Nazi Party paramilitary formation. After 1933, however, youth leaders sought to integrate boys into the Nazi national community and to prepare them for service as soldiers… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 21

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 28

There is a Muslim determination of innocence. An example of this mindset was the leader of the Rochdale grooming gang, Shabir Ahmed, who failed to overturn his convictions at the European Court of Human Rights by claiming an all-white jury was part of a conspiracy to scapegoat Muslims. During his trial Ahmed repeatedly accused the… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 28

Education or Indoctrination Part 20

The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – The Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls were the primary tools that the Nazis used to shape the beliefs, thinking and actions of German youth. Youth leaders used tightly controlled group activities and staged propaganda events such as mass rallies full of ritual and spectacle… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 20

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 27

Many criminologists and former senior detectives have interviewed numerous second generation Asian-Pakistani men convicted of grooming and sexually abusing young vulnerable white girls. The majority claimed they were innocent and put forward theories of how the government, police, judges and witnesses had conspired to wrongly convict them. It was also clear that they did not… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 27

Education or Indoctrination Part 19

The Indoctrination of Children in Nazi Germany – In the classroom and in the Hitler Youth, instruction aimed to produce race-conscious, obedient, self-sacrificing Germans who would be willing to die for Führer and Fatherland. Devotion to Adolf Hitler was a key component of Hitler Youth training. German young people celebrated his birthday (April 20)—a national… Continue reading Education or Indoctrination Part 19

Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 26

Despite the continuous flow of cases of Grooming Gangs, other examples were in Rochdale, Oxford and Huddersfield, the public is constantly being reminded that it is not just Asian men who commit “on-street” child sexual exploitation. Obviously the Muslim community are not solely responsible, nevertheless, given the severity of these offences and long term impact… Continue reading Muslim Grooming Gangs Part 26