Western Culture under Attack Part 20

Protests have erupted across the United States in the past few days following the death of an unarmed black man in police custody. George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer who knelt on the man’s neck, suffocating him to death. Floyd’s death, the latest in a line of killings of African-Americans by law… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 20

Western Culture under Attack Part 19

This sense of grievance and solidarity gave voice to protests in Toronto, Berlin, London and other Western cities. “People all over the world understand that their own fights for human rights, for equality and fairness, will become so much more difficult to win if we are going to lose America as the place where ‘I… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 19

Western Culture under Attack Part 18

“We’re outraged about what’s happening in Minneapolis, but really us guys home in Australia need to take a stand together here … because they can actually see the racism and injustice against our people,” said Paul Francis-Silva, Dungay’s nephew, to Australia’s ABC News. In France, too, Floyd’s death rekindled memories of a 2016 incident in… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 18

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 3

What is it with our Youth nowadays, they all seem to be Freeloaders wanting Something for Nothing. The Education System has been Invaded by Globalist Liberals and the results of the Brainwashing can now be seen on the Streets. The Woke want to pull statues down, want to destroy our Culture. As we’ve been coming… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 3

Western Culture under Attack Part 17

The world of the incident and the diverse demonstrations that followed — emboldened existing movements over racial violence and discrimination against minorities. In Australia, where fresh solidarity protests are planned this week, the upheaval in the United States has revived conversation arouthe head of the African Union Commission, who condemned the killing of George Floyd… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 17

Western Culture under Attack Part 16

The United States is increasingly seen as a nation turning in on itself. As protests against the police rocked dozens of American cities, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab spoke of the crisis across the pond in language more often deployed when discussing intractable conflicts elsewhere in the world. “We want to see de-escalation of all… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 16

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 6

Douglas Murray talking to Nigel Farage on the Critics of the UK – “We are listening to Critics who do not have our best interests at heart. I listen to my friends, my family and my loved ones because I know they desire me well, they want me to do well. I don’t listen to… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 6

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 5

Nigel Farage to Douglas Murray – “What are we gonna do to get our Universities back to where they need to be?” I’m a great believer in Truth, I honestly believe that Truth has an extraordinary ability to Cut Through in the end. On the Migration Question , we haven’t asked the Big Question. We… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 5

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

During the Pandemic of the Coronavirus, when we were in Lockdown, it was Observed. I worked through it and I was often the only one on the train! But then there was the George Floyd thing in America and the Marxists were waiting to Jump. BLM is against our Society but I won’t go into… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 4

Douglas Murray talking to Nigel Farage – “The Suspicion of Grand Ideas is a Good Suspicion to have because when people come at you with a good idea that they know better than you how you should live your life, you should run a million miles!  But sometimes you live in an Era complete with… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 4