Western Culture under Attack Part 48

There’s a reason why the West leads the world in terms of scientific innovation, wealth and military might and it has little to do with genetics. Instead, it’s the environment of freedom, both in the market for goods and in the idea marketplace. Rigorous competition brings out the best in mankind. Leftists and would-be tyrants… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 48

Western Culture under Attack Part 47

Many US Students do not appreciate the fact that freedom and competition in both the marketplace and idea arena unleashed a level of entrepreneurism, risk-taking and creativity heretofore unknown to mankind. Look at the marketplace of ideas. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to 860 people since its inception in 1901. The prizewinner distribution: Americans… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 47

Western Culture under Attack Part 46

The left in the US often suggests that people who stand up for Western civilization are supporting a racial hierarchy. The fact is that the history of the world is one of arbitrary tyrannical abuse and control. Poverty has been the standard fare for a vast majority of mankind. America became the exception to what… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 46

Western Culture under Attack Part 45

In 2012, 2014 and 2015, an ACTA-commissioned survey of college graduates found that less than 20% could accurately identify the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation. Less than half could identify George Washington as the American general at Yorktown. One-third of college graduates were unaware that FDR introduced the New Deal. Over one-third of the college… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 45

Western Culture under Attack Part 44

The greatest efforts to downplay the achievements of Western civilization start at our colleges and universities. An American Council of Trustees and Alumni 2016 study reported that “the overwhelming majority of America’s most prestigious institutions do not require even the students who major in history to take a single course on United States history or… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 44

Western Culture under Attack Part 43

Black Lives Matter movement have compiled a list of 60 statues and monuments in Britain that they say should be removed because they celebrate slavery or are linked to racism. Some of the UK’s most famous figures were included in the list, including Cecil Rhodes, who served as the prime minister of Britain’s Cape Colony.… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 43

Western Culture under Attack Part 42

A statement issued by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA), an anti-extremist group, which called on its members and other British citizens to protect war memorials at Whitehall, a street in central London recognised as the centre of the UK government. The group specifically noted that the aim of their action is not to stop… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 42

Western Culture under Attack Part 41

Tommy Robinson has blasted the UK police for their soft response during  protests against police brutality and racism, which saw 27 law enforcement officers hurt as well as statues and monuments defaced. Robinson called on people to join opposition protests and criticised the “soft-handed” police response to the demonstrations organised by the Black Lives Matter… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 41

Western Culture under Attack Part 40

Demonstrators a protest against racial discrimination in London have defaced a statue of Winston Churchill, writing “was a racist” beneath the late PM’s name. Black Lives Matter activists also made a list of statues in the UK that they say celebrate racism and need to be pulled down. Our History is under Attack. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240579

Jan 2021. Attack on the Capitol Part 3

In new research based on a nationwide survey of 1,500 Americans, it’s found that years of racially targeted policing is leading people to question the fairness and legitimacy of the police, such that 40 percent believe that the police should be defunded. Regardless of respondents’ race, they find that concerns about the under-protection and over-regulation… Continue reading Jan 2021. Attack on the Capitol Part 3