The Threat of China Part 1

China has issued its latest threat to the West, unveiling cutting-edge technology capable of simulating 30 times the speed of sound – technology that could give its missile arsenal the upper hand over the US. The world’s most powerful wind tunnel has been constructed in China, with the ability to hit speeds of 23,000mph. The… Continue reading The Threat of China Part 1

Aug 2020. Hong Kong Elections Postponed

August 2020. The Hong Kong government has postponed September’s parliamentary elections by a year, saying it is necessary amid a rise in coronavirus infections. Hong Kong is currently experiencing a spike in Covid-19 infections, and reported 121 new cases on Friday.However, the opposition has accused the government of using the pandemic as a pretext to… Continue reading Aug 2020. Hong Kong Elections Postponed

Jul 2020. Chinese Consulate Closed in Houston

July 2020. The US has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, by Friday – a move described as “political provocation” by Beijing. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the decision was taken because China was “stealing” intellectual property. China’s foreign ministry condemned the move on Twitter, saying its embassy in Washington… Continue reading Jul 2020. Chinese Consulate Closed in Houston

Jul 2020. Hong Kong Extradition Suspended

July 2020. The UK government will suspend its extradition treaty with Hong Kong “immediately and indefinitely”. Announcing the move, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the UK “wants a positive relationship” with China. But he said the “imposition” of the new security law in Hong Kong by Beijing was a “serious violation” of the country’s international… Continue reading Jul 2020. Hong Kong Extradition Suspended

Jun 2020. Silent Protest in Hong Kong

June 2020. Hundreds of Hong Kongers have marched silently through the city’s streets in protest against the looming national security legislation to be implemented by the mainland Chinese government. Riot police armed with shields were present on Hong Kong streets as a crowd of demonstrators marched from Jordan to Mong Kok in the Kowloon district.… Continue reading Jun 2020. Silent Protest in Hong Kong

Jun 2020. China, the UK, Hong Kong

June 2020. China’s foreign ministry has accused Britain of “gross interference” in the country’s affairs after Boris Johnson said he would offer millions of Hong Kong residents a path to UK citizenship if Beijing pushed ahead with a controversial security law for the city.The ministry’s spokesman Zhao Lijian told Britain to “step back … otherwise… Continue reading Jun 2020. China, the UK, Hong Kong

May 2020. US, China and Hong Kong

May 2020. By imposing a draconian national security law on Hong Kong, China’s leaders have clearly decided that stamping out dissent in the territory is more important than preserving its status as Asia’s premier financial centre. That title is now under direct threat after the Trump administration said on Wednesday that it no longer considered… Continue reading May 2020. US, China and Hong Kong