Western Civilization gave us individual freedom, democracy, personal responsibility, advanced agriculture, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, ease of travel, organ transplants, space exploration, etc., and yes, vulgar rap music, the woke culture, sleazy entertainment, and the drug culture. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240711
Tag: All Lives Matter
Western Culture under Attack Part 50
Our culture is now under attack and must be defended. While there were many failures of Western Civilization, there is much more that honours us than horrifies us. Western Civilization is a product of hundreds of years of trial and error, resulting in advanced and free nations. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240705
Western Culture under Attack Part 49
Marx thought that the workers of The World would unite one day to overthrow capitalism. As it turned out, it was the ruling classes from around The World who united – hoping to control workers, forever. Resist “The Great Reset.” https://vk.com/video503532632_456240697
Western Culture under Attack Part 48
There’s a reason why the West leads the world in terms of scientific innovation, wealth and military might and it has little to do with genetics. Instead, it’s the environment of freedom, both in the market for goods and in the idea marketplace. Rigorous competition brings out the best in mankind. Leftists and would-be tyrants… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 48
Debunking White Privilege Part 11
Jordan Peterson – The enthusiasm with which politicians, celebrities and corporations are competing to declare such worrying and woke admission (‘guilty as charged but we have seen the light’) to prove their BLM revolutionary credentials – the Church of England, the Bank of England, Waitrose, Airbnb, the list goes on – is matched only by a slavish… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 11
Western Culture under Attack Part 47
Many US Students do not appreciate the fact that freedom and competition in both the marketplace and idea arena unleashed a level of entrepreneurism, risk-taking and creativity heretofore unknown to mankind. Look at the marketplace of ideas. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to 860 people since its inception in 1901. The prizewinner distribution: Americans… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 47
Debunking White Privilege Part 10
Jordan Peterson – ‘I can’t be the only person who refuses to accept that in order to prove I am not a racist (whether because I happen to be white, or by virtue of being a white member of society that is said to to be systemically racist or ‘riddled with implicit bias’ as the racing… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 10
Western Culture under Attack Part 46
The left in the US often suggests that people who stand up for Western civilization are supporting a racial hierarchy. The fact is that the history of the world is one of arbitrary tyrannical abuse and control. Poverty has been the standard fare for a vast majority of mankind. America became the exception to what… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 46
Western Culture under Attack Part 45
In 2012, 2014 and 2015, an ACTA-commissioned survey of college graduates found that less than 20% could accurately identify the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation. Less than half could identify George Washington as the American general at Yorktown. One-third of college graduates were unaware that FDR introduced the New Deal. Over one-third of the college… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 45
Debunking White Privilege Part 9
I cannot be the only person who feels both angry and deeply offended by the general slur of Racism and White Privilege cast against my country and my fellow men; Angry that this slur is being so casually endorsed without contest or analysis, especially on the broadcast media, and even in the formerly responsible Sunday Times,… Continue reading Debunking White Privilege Part 9