“I’ve debated and discussed these issues for years now, and I know every one of the moves that people do, the number of dishonest moves, things like that’s not the case, Okay, that is the case. That is the case, but you shouldn’t say it or, that is the case and it’s Great! Suck it… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 2
Tag: Democracy
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 1
Peter Robinson quotes Douglas Murray writing in his book, “Europe today has little desire to Reproduce Itself, Fight for Itself or even take its Own Side in an Argument, by the end of the Lifespans of most people currently alive in Europe, Europe will not be Europe, and the peoples of Europe will have Lost… Continue reading 017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 1
014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 3
George Galloway is asked, “Whenever Brexit is hammered out, I suppose at some point in our Lifetimes, will Opposition Lawmakers, will they be remembered as Opposition, or do you think they’ll be remembered as Obstructionists?” Mr Galloway responds, “Absolutely the latter. Everyone in Britain can see what’s going on. All of the Opinion Polls show… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 3
014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 2
“Well, there’s a lot of Humbug, I’m afraid, talked about the Parliamentary Scrutiny. If you look at the pictures right now, half of the members of parliament supposedly Scrutinising it, are actually asleep! Some of them on the opposition frontbench sitting right next to the leader of the opposition. They’ve had more than three years.… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 2
014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 1
George Galloway is asked if Boris Johnson is Right in putting an Ultimatum to Parliament and Vote on the Proposed Deal and then have an Election, “He’s absolutely right to be doing so. This Parliament has Forfeited any right to the Respect of the Public and it Has None. It’s almost universally Despised, not least… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 1
012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 4
Nigel Farage Slaughters the then President of the EU Commission, José Manuel Barroso, “You told us this morning that the European Union is An Inspiration, and whilst you Admitted to there being one or two Little Economic Problems, you made it Perfectly Clear that Jobs and Growth were to Follow, that everything is Going Well.… Continue reading 012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 4
012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 3
Nigel Farage continues his Demolition of the EU, “I’ve often asked myself the Question, why would a Successful Country that’s enjoyed a Thousand Years of Independence give up its Right of Self-Government to the Unelected non entities that we see sitting before us this morning? And the answer that comes back from the Foreign Office… Continue reading 012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 3
012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 2
Some years ago Nigel Farage Lambasted the EU Parliament on their Behaviour towards Greece, threating the nation as if it were a Company, “Well Congratulations everybody. David Cameron had you worried for a bit. You thought he was even a Euro Sceptic, but it’s okay. You had a quiet word with him and the real… Continue reading 012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 2
012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 1
Some years ago in the Parliament of the EU, Nigel Farage says it as it is, “When we had a President, we’d see a Giant Global Political Figure. The man that would be the Political Leader for Five Hundred Million People. The man that would Represent all of us on the World Stage. The man… Continue reading 012. Nigel Farage on Brexit Part 1
010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17
Douglas Murray is asked about the Attitude of the People of the UK, “I mean one of the things of recent months, both Brexit, has been noticing the way in which people on the continent are very Distrusting of the People actually…I do still have a Faith in people’s Decency and Honesty, and I don’t… Continue reading 010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 17