September 2024

06 September. It’s 11.59pm, it’s been a busy day. I’ve told you I work with mental health guys, difficult and busy day. Anyway, such is life. I haven’t done this comments page for a while, partly because I wasn’t sure if it was publishing because there was difficulty with my mobile phone entry and my pc entries; not a computer buff and whomever can scream out that I should be, I totally understand, but that person wants to perhaps have a gander at the email and give a call and offer help, it is seriously needed; after saying that, I’m big enough to take the criticism. I need to get back into letting the world or the nobody know how things are progressing. I will leave it at that for now because I’m using the pc to key this in, I need to check my phone. It’s 10 past midnight, I’ll check it out in the morning. 07 September. It’s 10am UK time and I’m off from the day job. There’s ten August files that need an edit then I need to gain the remaining August files from the box and edit them. At some point I’d like to sort out lyrics that I’ve been working on. A certain individual has inspired me to get back into my lyric-writing. I’ve had a lyric site for years but I haven’t looked at it in yes you’ve guessed it, in years. Perhaps changing direction a bit might sharpen me up for this site, who knows. 12 September. I’m trying to work out how to honestly say how I feel. I put on post a lot of material that in Scotland will lead me to jail, loss of employment, loss of house, loss of a lot more. I joined a political party for the first time in my life, did it say four weeks ago. Never been a pary member to anything, but I feel Reform UK can actually make a difference. As to how I’m feeling, we’ll leave that for another day. I really need some kind of support from somebody out there.