A nurse has claimed that NHS trusts are “gaslighting” patients with official policy documents labelling those who ask for single-sex spaces “transphobes” and “perpetrators”. Dr Sinead Helyar, a clinical research nurse, said NHS policies allowing transgender patients onto single-sex wards were “formulated and enacted to the detriment of women”.
Oct 2021. The NHS Single Sex Wards

Yet I seem to remember a few years ago, the “Left” railing against single sex wards as “dehumanising” and a “threat to women”.
Now, they’re labelling women as “TERFS” who don’t want to share facilities with often predatory cocks-in-frocks.
In a few short years it’s turned from protecting women, to erasing women with any objector however reasoned and rational, accused and pilloried as “phobic”.
When women are forced to accommodate, on pain of actual criminal proceedings, cocks-in-frocks exposing themselves in women’s toilets, changing-rooms with young children available, it’s long past the time when we need that asteroid
Well said sir, couldn’t agree more
I disagree, I think allowing transgender individuals onto single-sex wards is a step in the right direction. The majority of transgender people do not pose a threat and should be allowed onto the ward they identify the most with. I encourage the NHS to exercise common-sense and determine whether the individual is genuinely identifying as that sex, and not just ‘chancing their arm’. It’s not as big of a risk as they’re making out.