There are Hundreds of Migrants in France that want to get to Britain. They’ve tried jumping into the back of Trucks, they’ve tried the Channel Tunnel, now they’re doing the Ferry Crossing. Nigel Farage has highlighted the Complicity of the UK Government working with the French to bring these people into our land. Yeh I know there’s International Law and once the Migrants get out on their Boats, supplied by the Traffickers, they Resist ‘Rescue’ by the French, Life and Limb can’t be Endagered so they’re Escorted to British Waters and the UK Border Force pick them up. The Migrants ofcourse don’t resist cause they know they’re going to the land of Milk and Honey. Yeh many will Disappear and end up being part of the Modern Slave Trade in the UK repaying the Traffickers, but many will get the Housing, get access to the NHS. They are all Muslim, they will further Dilute our Culture. There’ll be More Mosques in due course, their Call to Prayer will be sounded out using a Megaphone somewhere near you in due course! The Indigenous Population will slowly become the minority and Kiss Goodbye to the Christian Culture that so many of us take for granted. This is an Invasion and it’s happening on the Quiet. Any reporting by MSM has the Liberal Globalist narrative. The People have Had Enough, they’re starting to Wake Up to the Threat.
Migrants from France Part 9b