Vladimir Putin addresses the Council for Interethnic Relations on October 31 2016. During the October 31 meeting of the Inter-ethnic Relations Council of Russia in Astrakhan, Russian President Vladimir Putin talked with scorn about the experience of the European Union countries in dealing with migrant crisis, which in his view has overwhelmed the continent. He made it clear that hordes of migrants from the Middle East and Africa bring chaos and crime into Europe and says Russia wants none of this. “Let’s rely on our own experience [with regard to the migrant crisis],” he said, “The European one is not the best [for Russia] for now.” “You can see what is going on there (in Europe),” he continued in front of the camera. “The immigrant raped a child in one of the European countries. The court acquitted him on two grounds – he did not speak well the language of the host country, and he did not understand that a boy – and that was a boy – objected.”
Migrant Pedophiles Part 6