June 2024

Apr 2024. The London Sword Attack

Apr 2024. NHS and the Biological Fact

Apr 2024. The Youth in the UK

Debunking White Privilege Part 23

Apr 2024. The Escalating Irish Refugee Row

Apr 2024. Muslim Grooming Gangs Exposed

Free Speech Part 36

May 2024. The Peckham Protests Part 1

May 2024. The Peckham Protests Part 2

Nigel Standing for our Country

May 2024. The Muslim Labour Vote Collapses

May 2024. The Illegal Positive Discrimination at the BBC

The Worldwide Covid Scam Part 18

May 2024. Talk of Revolutions

May 2024. Who Decides Where our Money Goes

May 2024. Free Speech Part 1

May 2024. Oxbridge and the Pro Palestine Movement

The Threat of Woke Part 12

May 2024. The Missing Migrants in the UK

May 2024. Protect the Jewish Students

The Climate Change Fear Game Part 9

May 2024. The UK Labour and Anti Semitism

May 2024. Hounded Out of Oxford University

Media Bias Part 25

May 2024. Free Speech Part 2

May 2024. LGB without the T

May 2024. Gary Lineker and his Hamas Support

May 2024. The BBC Threatening People with Bailiffs

A Population Collapse Part 14

May 2024. Universities Collapse Warning

May 2024. The BBC Echo Chamber

Campaign Against Halal Part 53

May 2024. Palestinian Student Visa Revoked

Women’s Rights Part 35

May 2024. Radicals Gagging the Students

My War on Globalism Part 58

Debunking White Privilege Part 24

May 2024. Big Pharma Getting Away With It

May 2024. Did we Really Experience a Covid Pandemic

May 2024. Selective Blindness

Free Speech Part 37

May 2024. The Scottish Covid Inquiry

A Population Collapse Part 15

May 2024. The Julian Assange Legal Fiasco

Problems with Diversity Part 116

My War on Globalism Part 59

OG007. Political Islam Part 89

May 2024. Free Speech Part 3

May 2024. The PM on Illegal Migration

May 2024. The Tory Migration Policy