June 2024.

01 June. It’s left 8am UK time and I’m on a train to the day job, it’s a beautiful day. Yesterday I was finishing a sleepover, didn’t really sleep, totally exhausted at the end of it. I really need to work out ways of gaining support for the site, I know I’m wasting my time otherwise. There’s a march in London, or a gathering at 12 noon, Tommy Robinson Patriots. I wish him and them well, I’d be there if I could. 04 June. It’s nearing 7pm UK time. I’m going to have to get help with the mobile app that I’m using on site because there’s No Comments page for April and May for this year, I’ll look at it tomorrow, I’m not even sure that this page is being published or recognised on the mobile thing. If anybody can help me, I want to hear from you man. 26 June. I’ve not been making entries this month due to there being an issue with the mobile app on site. I’ve been making entries via the pc and the page isn’t registered! I don’t think it’s registered on the mobile version. I should be used to this, talking to myself with my news and campaign posts! I’ll need to get it all checked out. Me and my partner are in Torquay and the weather is absolutely beautiful. Today we wondered about the town, we were looking for a strapless bra, for my partner I hasten to add, so she could get more of this amazing sun. We spent all day checking out the shops, me waiting outside; we were both walking about getting the sun cause they didn’t have any. Much preferred walking about town than sitting there so I’m happy although in one of the later shops I did go in with her and I did hunt through the lingerie for the first time in my life, no joy. I don’t mind in the past going to a shop for women’s monthly stuff, never ever minded, but I could not believe it was mission impossible to get a strapless bra; we live and learn. 28 June. We’re on our way home from Torquay, very relaxing. On the coach, I’ve actually been trying to get back into my lyric writing, I miss it. It’s like an old friend. I really need to make this place workable, o well. 29 June. It’s left 11am UK time. Before going on holiday I arranged to have our present broadband provider end the contract and go with a new provider, the one that we use for our phones. Have to place the order again due to an issue with the old broadband provider finding a problem, won’t have the new broadband provider on stream till 15 July; the old provider of broadband will end any day now. What that will mean is I won’t be able to post anything and I have a massive catalogue still to edit and then post, it’ll probably all be archived, we’ll see. But the major point is there ain’t going to be any broadband in this flat for a couple of weeks, it’s going to be torture, but that’s the way it is. Another thing I’ve noted is this page isn’t on site, I’m thinking I’ve failed to add it to the menu, I’ll check that out and sort it. I’m glad to be home, but pissed off at all the work I have to do, and I won’t be able to show any of it. Story of my life I guess.

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