July 2020. A volunteer assistant suspected of setting a French cathedral on fire has been rearrested, then indicted and detained in pre-trial custody by prosecutors. The man, already held and released by police last week, was indicted on Saturday night “on charges of destruction and damage by fire” of the gothic cathedral of Nantes, the public prosecutor for the western city said. The fire broke out on July 18, hours after the volunteer altar server had closed up the building for the night. Prosecutors launched an arson investigation into the blaze, which they said appeared to have hit three different parts of the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul. Police investigating the incident had arrested the 39-year-old Rwandan national and then released him last week. What happened to the days when you were named and age given? No name given. I wonder why; well, no I don’t.
Jul 2020. Man Arrested over Nante Cathedral Fire