July 2020. Kosovar President Hashim Thaci has faced questioning by international war-crimes prosecutors at The Hague. The Kosovo Specialist Chambers (SPO) announced on June 24 that Thaci and other prominent Kosovars were the subject of an indictment on suspicion of serious crimes including “nearly 100 murders,” enforced disappearances, and torture. Thaci was a top commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK), which fought a guerrilla war for independence from Serbia in the 1990s. Thaci was quizzed for around six hours at the SPO on July 13. As he left the SPO building, he said he would also be questioned on July 14. Thaci said there were “exchanges over various technicalities” between his lawyer Pierre Richard Prosper and the war-crimes prosecutors about “explanatory, technical issues.”
Jul 2020. Hashim Thaci Questioned