January 2020. The Report on the Muslim Grooming Gangs in Manchester finds the Police operation identified at least 57 Victims and 97 Potential Suspects. The Victims were White Indigenous Children, not mentioned. The Suspects were/are described as ‘predominantly Asian’, that’s a Fake News from the MSM, the Truth is Muslim Pakistani, and not once mentioned. The Islamists blatantly state they don’t respect or follow our laws, they respect and follow Sharia Law, but at least that is declared. Our Police, our Social Services, our Councils, the People we put in place to Protect us, Do Not respect or follow our laws, all due to Fear. They don’t want to be accused of being a Racist, so they don’t challenge Diversity, Multi-Culturalism. This all needs to Change and Change Fast. Our Children, our People need Protected. Whomever doesn’t wish to follow and respect our laws should be Locked Up, or Leave. Sharia Law has to be Outlawed, it needs Banned, and All who challenge that should Also Leave. Is this Racist? No, this is Self-Protection.