Heather MacDonald (born November 23, 1956) is an American political commentator, essayist, and attorney. She is described as a secular conservative. She has advocated positions on numerous subjects including victimization, philanthropy, immigration reform, crime prevention, racism, racial profiling, rape, politics, welfare, and matters pertaining to cities and academia. MacDonald is a Thomas W. Smith Fellow of the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of New York’s City Journal. She is a recipient of a 2005 Bradley Prize. She has written numerous editorials and is the author of several books. Here she’s interviewed by Dave Rubin. Talking about Mobs when she’s trying to speak, “ you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Yeah. And again, I am so reluctant to say anything that can be attributed to a victim ideology because that is used against me. But I did have a remote sense of what it feels like, what it felt like to be in the French Revolution and hearing the mob because people in crowds can become completely irrational. So, you know, I don’t know that they’re making up who I am because I well, I certainly am not against black lives, but my message to them, as they understand it, is tantamount to being against black people. And what this the groundwork for this insane delusion that is used against speakers is an even crazier idea, which is that students on college campuses today are at literal threat of their lives from ambient racism and sexism. This is a a delusional idea that is put into these students heads because the identity politics is happy. It is certainly reinforced by diversity bureaucrats on campus that are in a co-dependent relationship with these narcissistic students who want to elevate their status into the top dog victim on campus.”
Heather MacDonald – The Diversity Delusion Part 1