Brian Monteith – “Instead of stripping schools of charitable status, Neil Findlay should consider giving it to state schools. Private schools give far more to the state than they take from it. What is it about Labour politicians that makes so many of them chippy? Why, if people are providing a public service, helping others less fortunate, do they want to put obstructions in the way and, most illogically of all, prevent any assistance that goes to the less well-off? Bigoted? Most certainly. Divisive? Of course. Ignorant? Obviously. Do they care? Apparently not. There really is no point in being diplomatic towards Labour politicians such as Neil Findlay, the Labour list member for Lothian who wishes to see independent schools lose their charitable status, for the tender and polite enunciations such as those of the Scottish Council for Independent Schools simply fly above such people’s heads.”
Feb 2022. Neil talks to Brian Monteith